Chapter 7

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-No ones POV-

Felix tried to forget the embarrassing moments before when he nearly sobbed in front of a group of people that did was not familiar with. Yet it would ring through his head. Sitting along in the middle of class his ears began to ring. He didn't even hear when the teacher repeated his name.

The older teacher sighed and crossed her arms "I said the office called you. You're dismissed."

"Oh." Felix sat up and gathered up his stuff and put them in his bag. He threw the bag over his shoulder and walked towards the office.

It wasn't anything new to be called into the school office. Usually Felix would be called into the counselors office and get questions like "how's everything at home? Have you heard from your dad? How's your sister's?"

Usually most people would hate it and Felix was a part of those people. He never liked being questioned about home. The school would get on his back since the one morning when they found out Felix's mom was sick.

He was expecting nothing less than to be asked the same questions.

What he was not expecting was to walk into the office and see his own familiar classmates. His eyes scanned through each one and scrunched his eyebrows. "Oh Felix you're here too?"

Bangchan walked up to Felix and pulled him with the rest of the students. "What is going on?" Felix turned towards Seungmin who was leaning on the wall and saw him staring through the window which led to the office.

Felix peeked over Seungmin's shoulder and saw Changbin, Jeongin, and lastly Hyunjin sitting down in chairs with glossy eyes. It confused him even more.

Then he saw two pairs of police man and a scary man who was wearing a suit and sunglasses on his head which laid on his longish dark hair. His eyes followed the mysterious man as he leaned on the desk in front of the trio and talked to them calmly.

He noticed Hyunjin would not dare even look him in the eye. Seeming scared for his tears to fall out. Changbin on the other hand talked to the officers as best as he could trying to show respect but also concern. Lastly when Felix looked at Jeongin he saw him sniffling and holding a phone.

They let them have phones? Why are they being questioned? "Chan what is happening?"

Chan sat down on a chair by distracted Seungmin and encouraged Felix to sit by him, which he did. "Apparently from what I've heard Minho texted those guys late at night and it just barely sent like an hour ago. They are wondering if he got his phone and resent it or it was just a lag."

Felix felt hope rise up and then fall back down when he remembered. "Wait what about Han? Do they have any more information about him? Do they still believe he ran away?"

Bangchan sighed sadly and Seungmin spoke up. "From what we know yeah they still think he ran off. I believe they're stupid as fuck. I don't know why they think Minho got taken but not Han. It doesn't make sense. I know Han and Minho are somewhere together and some asshole took them."

"But they didn't even know each other why them? They're the only ones gone and they're not even connected through anything!" Felix grew irritated. They got interrupted before they could understand anything when the office door opened and a broad officer called them up.
"You boys can come in we need to talk to you."

Felix grew even more confused by the second he didn't understand anything that was going on. First Han disappears , his best friend, and everyone says he ran away from home. People believed there was something that no one knew about. Sure, Han didn't have the perfect home life but he enjoyed life and liked it here. Felix knew better.

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