Chapter 4

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AN- Listening to Stars and Raindrops🙈

I looked in that direction of the door so fast that I swore my neck was going to break. I hugged my knees and silently prayed until I heard boots colliding on the floor. I looked up and saw the horror of a man who stole me away from my home.

He was almost wearing the same exact thing. How long have I been here again? He was a tall, strong , lanky man. He had on a beanie that covered his hair so I had no idea what he even really looked like.

There was one thing that could leave me to wonder. His hazel eyes practically glaring through my head. I can recall when he took me his full face was hidden, not to mention it was dark. He crouched in front of me scanning my face.

"You're finally awake." His voice took me off guard. It was definitely a man but I couldn't tell who because his voice could've been mistaken for anybody.

I glanced at the mirror and then back at the man in front of me. He followed my eyes and hummed. "So you've met Jisung I assume. Not that you guys haven't already met."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What..?

"What are you talking about? Is there an excuse for this shit?" The man chuckled and stood up shoving his hands in his black sweatpants. He slowly walked up to the mirror and knocked on it.

"I know you're up."

Han slowly sat up and looked towards the mirror. "Right..." the man then confused me when he walked out the door. I looked towards Han in confusion, not that he could see.

Then I heard another door open but this time on the other side. He walked ahead and in front of Han. The secret man then snickered a little bit. "You see, this boy right here was easy, but you." He pointed at me through the mirror almost directly where I was.

"You definitely were a little more tricky. Look what you did." He unrolled his hoodie sleeve and I could visibly see a large bruise and cut.

I looked back up at him and sighed. "How was that my fault? You're the one who literally abducted me." Han looked down at his lap and scoffed a little bit.

"I wasn't expecting all the hassle."

"I'll leave you guys to it , how about that? You kids stay out of trouble alright? Great." The man said in total sarcasm. He chuckled again and walked out of the room.

"This is pathetic..." Han sniffled again and stuffed his face in his palms.

"More like pathetic in a different tone." Han looked up in confusion at nothing in particular.

"What are you talking about?" Han spoke through little tears.

"I mean come on there's got to be a reason why he has a two way mirror in here!!" I stood up suddenly and walked towards the mirror. I scanned it and tried to find any details that caught my eye.

Then a memory made me chuckle. "You know my old dance class had a two way mirror once..."

"Dude we were fucking kidnapped!!"

I looked down at Han in shock. I wasn't expecting all the screaming. "No need to yell." Han chuckled and threw his head back in his palms.

"I swore two seconds ago we were talking about how you were calmer than me hm?" Han giggled a little bit and shook his head.

"I'm pretty sure I mentioned I freak out every single morning I wake up."

I remember suddenly and shook my shoulders. "I forgot..."

The boy chuckled and sunk his body into his bed. "Have you tried anything to get out Han?" Jisung shook his head and rested his cheek on his folded arms.

Two Way Mirror//ᴍɪɴꜱᴜɴɢHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin