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Disclaimer: This story belongs to me , everything that is written in this story is my idea, so don't steal.
If any one steals my hardworking story please report it to me.


P.s This story contents strong language.


"Im off to the doctors babe" I say dismissively heading to the door once im out I head to the garage and get into my range rover , How can I afford it? well let's just say my parents got me this as an apology present .

They think buying me stuff when they do something wrong is going to slove the problem but it really isn't, but hey I will take the present and put it to good use.

As I drove straight to Dr.McCall 's office , i stopped at a red traffic light and waited , I looked over to the window to see a prefect family laughing , the dad swinging his son the mother laughing, I wanted that and I knew I was ready for it.

That's why i'm on my way to the clinic after so long , I want to surprise Micheal and get a sperm donor which I was already assigned and get the artificial insemination which was happening within twenty minutes.

Dr.McCall had warned me about this , because there is a big chance I will get pregnant with more than one child.

"Ms.Henderson the doctor will see you now" the assistant nurse called out I looked up from my phone and starting walking behind her as she led the way to the room I will be in.

"The doctor will be with you shortly" she smiled as she took my temperature, weight, and blood pressure just in case

"Do you have any medical conditions we should know about before we start? " she said reading something off the computer
"Nope" I answered looking at my feet as I swung it around

"Alright , that's all for now , oh one last thing " she walked to a cabinet and pulled out one of those blue gown, that the hospital gave you

"Remove everything except for your bra and put this on " she left closing the door behind her

I immediately got undressed and got on the gown before the doctor came in even though she is a woman as well but still.

"May I come in?" The doctor knock as she opened the door and peeked in

"Yeah it's fine "I nervously smiled at her, she saw my face expression and frowned, Is it that noticeable geez!

"It's alright dear everything is going to go alright I promise" she smiled as she told me to lay down as she got everything ready

"So how is everything going those your husband know about this?" She asked trying to distract me, I guess it was working alright, as I just looked up at the ceiling nothing more.

"My boyfriend and no he doesn't I want it to be a surprise actually" I smiled at the thought of him

"Oh my,I think it's not a surprise anymore" she frowned. I looked down at her with an confused face
"Wait why?"
"Well yesterday one of the nurses at the front desk left early and she was the only one here, she left because she had an emergency so she forgot to call to confirm all the appointments for today so we called this morning and I think your boyfriend answered.
As I listened my heart broke I really wanted it to be a surprise but oh well its to late to fix what is done.

"All done" she said smiling and throwing away her gloves and washing her hands, as she washed I sat up and looked at a empty tube who said someone elses name I raised an eyebrow and looked up at the doctor

"Why does this tube have a different name and not mine " I questioned

"Huh?" She turned around and looked at it and her eyes went wide as she looked up at me

"I- I gave .....sorry Ms. Henderson" she looked apologetic

"For fuck sake " I said looking worried

"I gave you the worng sperm I mixed your tube with someone else's" she looked towards the floor

"What who is this sperm donor , what is his name?"was the first damn thing that came to my mind

She looked it up at the computer and then looked at me

"Alexander Morgan"

That's when we heard screaming coming from another room , and the first time in a long time I heard that name.

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