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What the hell is tickling my face ? I try to open my eyes but you know when you try to open your eyes but the light is hitting your face ? Yeah well that's what's happening right now . I manage to squintmy eyes and look at my surroundings. I widen my eyes when I realized that we both fell asleep in the car I looked down to see the source that was tickling my face seeing Alexander on my bump sleeping soundly I smiled thinking what a great family we would have made if he didn't do what he did.

I shake him awake but he wasn't budging I forgot how hard was to wake him. So I woke him up the only way I knew to wake him up . By kissing him all over his face.

Wait why am I kissing him ? I'm not suppose to I hate him remember that skyler !!!
By the time I stopped doing was I wasn't suppose to in the first place it was too late he was awake and realized what I did in order to wake him up.

"We should get going" he said turning on the car engine and reversing the car to drive out of the parking lot

The whole car ride to my apartment involved of me looking out the window and in complete silence. I'm not going to disagree that I did have a nice day with him yesterday because that would make me a liar. I missed spending time with him but it won't happen again , he has a fiancé and I have my daughter on the way that needs all my time.

Quick update finished my internship with vogue now waiting on that call to be hired , I applied to many other fashion bloggers believe me but my heart is with vogue.
I took off my shoes as I got into my lovely home that I missed so dearly. Now to come think of it I haven't seen Nia in a while . I grabbed my phone and texted her

Me: Hey , you free today ?

Nia🍣: Hey yeah I am , our spot at 8?

Wow she texted fast .

Me: Can't wait.

I rubbed my eyes and stood in front of them making a tough decision... snickers or kit kats ?

I shook my head and grabbed both I wanted them the baby wanted it I might as well grab both right ?
I put all the junk food I picked out over the counter as the Clerk scanned the items with a boring expression.
After all was paid for I got into my car and may my way to meet up with Nia. If you are wondering where is our spot is , well it's a small patch of green grass away from the city where you can see the whole city and stars. We found that place when we were around the age of 17 , we got lost one day going to a party and found that little place and ended up ditching the party and just bought a lot of junk food and talked about anything and everything.

When I got there Nia was already there waiting for me in the back of her pick up truck don't ask me why she likes those type cars but she just does and I love her for it. I park my car next to hers and get all the things I bought out of the trunk and go to her.

"Hey" I say struggling to jump up her trunk while she lends me her hand I take it gratefully and sit next to her.

"I was starting to wonder if you were going to show up" she chuckled

"In my defense there was traffic" I said dumping all I bought in front of us

"Did you buy the whole store S"
" No, I bought what was needed" I hit her hand as she attempted to steal my snickers away . I unwrapped it and shoved the whole thing in my mouth

" You're an animal" she shook her head and grabbed a bad of red bag Doritos . I just shrugged

"So want to tell me why Alexander was over oh so late yesterday" she said wiggling her eyebrows

"Not much just the part where I kissed him all over his face" I squeaked out the last part

"You what ?!"
"Jesus Nia , it's not what you think and can you lower your voice the whole damn city might hear us" I uncovered my ears

" Better start talking sweet cheeks"

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