Chapter 11

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I quickly slipped into my favorite black knee-length dress and my beloved black boots. I had a thing for all things black. I borrowed a black mink fur coat from Zola, and it completed my look. Checking myself in the mirror, I applied some red lipstick. Tonight's party promised to be a good time, a welcome distraction from the lingering thoughts about my stalker who had gone silent for a week after his unsettling promise to return.

To regain some self-esteem, I started helping Claudia in her bakery, leaving my job at Devil's Hideout behind. Salvo, who had broken my heart and insulted me, seemed indifferent, which both surprised and annoyed me. The past week had been a headache, so I decided to attend the party thrown by one of Rose's friends. As I walked out, ready to enjoy the night, I witnessed Claudia and Zola usual bickering in the living room.

"Zola, seriously? You took my bra? I had plans to wear it tonight!" Claudia exclaimed, her hair fashioned into a high ponytail, donned in a chic ensemble featuring a white lace bralette paired with white wide-leg trousers. She shot her a glance loaded with a mix of surprise and mock anger.

"Oh, come on, Claudia! I'm not walking a runway. I just needed it, and your sparkly black bra looked perfect!" Zola cheekily smirked, confidently rocking the stolen lingerie with black cargo pants.

"Perfect? It's not yours to decide what's perfect! And I don't share a wardrobe!" Claudia retorted, collapsing onto the couch with a dramatic mix of exasperation and amusement.

"Chill, drama queen! It's just a bra. I'll give it back after the party,"

"Give it back now! You can't just snatch people's underwear."

"Darling, chill. My outfit needed a little extra dazzle. Can't blame me for having good taste," Zola defended herself with a playful grin.

"I don't care about your taste. I care about my bra!"

"Your bra complements my dress perfectly! It's not just a bra now; it's the star of my outfit. You should feel honored," Zola declared, continuing their banter. The clock had already struck nine.

"Honored? More like pilfered!"

Interrupting the lively exchange, I couldn't help but speak up, "Well, this is entertaining. We are running late for the party, and you're quarreling over a bra. Classic." They paused, realizing I was right. They exchanged mischievous glances, rolled their eyes, and burst into contagious laughter.

"Fine, keep the bra. But you owe me an epic dance tonight. Let's not keep the party waiting any longer." Claudia conceded with a sly grin.

"Deal! And Luna, you're not getting away either. We expect some killer moves from you too." Zola agreed with a playful smile.

Joining in the laughter, I gushed over them, "Challenge accepted, bitches! Now, let's make a splash at the party before we become legends for all the right reasons."

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