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Lonely, the only feeling Babe has ever known. His so-called mother left him at a rundown orphanage without remorse, but at that moment, Babe wasn't moved by her absence. In fact, it was the first time he felt a sense of relief. He no longer needed to anxiously wait for his mother to return home or endure his fear of when her vicious beatings would begin. He wouldn't have to witness her excessive drinking or clean up the mess that followed.

However, this newfound relief was fleeting. Just a day after being abandoned, Babe received news that his mother had perished in a tragic road accident. To make matters more complicated, a close friend of his late mother expressed their desire to adopt him.

But deep within him, a glimmer of hope emerged—maybe, just maybe, this time would be different. Perhaps he would finally find solace from his loneliness, someone who truly cared. Someone who would dote on him in times of sickness, prioritizing his needs above all else.

Yet, to his utter dismay, his hopes were shattered. It was all just a cruel illusion, like a recurring nightmare without the physical pain and endless torment. Apart from the absence of physical abuse and name-calling, everything remained agonizingly the same.

But that's life. Babe was content with it, accepting the hand he had been dealt. Little did he know that fate had a surprising twist in store for him. Enter Tony, a man who claimed to be his adoptive father. It seemed that Babe's own mother had made a secret arrangement, ensuring that he would be taken care of by this mysterious Tony in case something were to happen to her. Babe never expected his mother to be so concerned, but hey, life is full of surprises. And so, the journey of Babe's life continued, with Tony by his side.

But then came the painful truth, it was Tony who took the life of Babe's  mother. It wasn't the act itself that tore at his heart, but the realization that he had a family all along. A vast and caring one. You see, Babe had always believed he was alone in the world, with only his mother as his blood relative. Little did he know, he was born into a prominent and dangerous lineage.

His mother, however, wanted nothing to do with Babe's true family. She was aware of their immense wealth and the peril that came with it. So she fled, escaping their clutches. But instead of protecting her son, she saw him as a pawn to secure her own financial gain. She placed a hefty bounty on his head, offering him as a hostage to anyone willing to pay.

And it turned out that the buyer was none other than Tony himself. To this day, Babe remains puzzled as to why Tony murdered his  mother and why there have been no consequences for his actions. However, Babe has always had a fiery temperament.

Upon discovering the truth, Babe launched himself at Tony, holding on tightly. But all he received in return were cutting remarks. Tony taunted him, suggesting that without him, Babe had no one else. He even threatened to revoke Babe's scholarship if he didn't comply.

Babe had finally reached his breaking point after years of enduring. He decided to take control of his own life, leaving behind those who had wronged him. That fateful day, he unleashed his pent-up frustration, causing millions of dollars in damages. With just a duffle bag containing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Babe walked out of that house, never once looking back or feeling remorse for his actions.

He channeled his all-consuming anger into the thrilling rush of racing, his heart pounding with every turn of the track. It was during one particularly stormy evening that fate intervened, as Alan spotted him amidst the downpour, soaked to the bone. Alan, the revered captain of the X-Hunter team, was not only the mastermind behind their success but also the owner of the very garage that housed their formidable machines. Despite Babe's initially abrasive demeanor towards Alan, the captain saw beyond the surface and embraced him, drawn to Babe's unfiltered passion and the potential within.

In the depths of his being, Babe carried no regrets for the reckless choices he had made thus far. But there was an ache, a profound longing to unearth the truth of his bloodline. The person who had revealed his hidden roots, however, didn't want to disclose the identity of his family, consumed by trepidation. Resigned to this void, Babe made peace with his solitary journey, knowing that he had already defied odds and forged his path alone.

He had already come this far without anyone, he can make it to the end too.


"P'Babe? P'Babe? Wake up, or else you would be late.", A voice urgently whispered, trying to rouse Babe from his slumber.

But there was no way  in fucking hell that Babe would wake up now. His head throbbed relentlessly, and his back screamed in pain at the mere thought of sitting up. His throat felt as if it had been through a chemical cleansing.

"P'Babe, please wake up, it already 11. You told me to wake you up early." a gentle voice whispered again. Who in the fucking hell is so determined to wake him up.  Wait…..a gentle voice.

The person trying to wake him up suddenly got a start as Babe jerked awake from his bed.

Babe was taken aback when he saw Charlie standing there. "Charlie, wtf are you doing here? And why in the world are you wearing that?" Babe's voice came out hoarse, filled with both confusion and mild frustration.

Charlie was Babe's new favorite boy toy, a puppy-like Alpha. However, Babe couldn't help but find it amusing that Charlie was just too cute to call him that. Using such a title might make him sulk, after all.

Still, Babe couldn't help but wonder. Why on earth was this adorable little Alpha wearing an apron?Although, it was rather preposterous to behold the sight of this young alpha wearing an apron. The question lingered, was he naked beneath that peculiar outfit? The sight was utterly ridiculous, and Babe couldn't help but grin at the situation.

Babe was taken aback by his audacity to pout. "But P'Babe, you were the one who instructed me to be your servant and wake you up in the morning." It was too early for Babe to comprehend the statement. "When did I say that? I clearly mentioned that I don't want you to be my servant or anything. It was merely a trial run."

"Aww, and how many more times do you intend to test? Haven't you already tested it enough yesterday? A product with this many test drives cannot be returned. You're stuck with me," Charlie playfully remarked, sporting a wide grin.

Is this guy for real? He was about to say something when suddenly, a phone blasted its obnoxious ringtone. And guess what? It wasn't even his phone, it was probably Charlie's.

Babe and Charlie glanced at each other, puzzled, as they realized the phone was on Babe's side of the bedside table. Babe intended to hand it over to Charlie, but before he could react, Charlie snatched the phone out of his hand like lightning striking.

"Ahhh P'Babe! I've whipped up a delicious breakfast for you. It's waiting on the table. Please eat  while I take this call from my demanding part-time job boss. And, oh, don't forget to think about this test drive product!" Charlie wore a mischievous smile before promptly answering the call and walking away.

But the only thing Babe was able to see in that phone was that the caller was someone named " Khun Kim. "

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