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The car was dead silent. The tension between Charlie and P'Babe was palpable. Both of them knew that if they opened their mouths, it would ignite a terrible argument. After narrowly escaping a possible stalker, neither of them wanted to provoke any more trouble.

As the miles rolled by, the silence became unbearable. Charlie couldn't resist breaking it. "Umm, P'Babe, is it even safe to be driving this car right now?" he asked cautiously. 

P'Babe glanced at him, his eyes filled with a mixture of worry and determination. He didn't respond, but his silence spoke volumes. Deep down, Charlie knew that they were taking a huge risk by being on the road.

Not only they have Tony's people trailing them, they also added a security risk by driving reckless. If P'Arm doesn't manage to delete all the CCTV footage of the roadsides, they would be in deepshit trouble. 

It should have been a simple task for P'Arm to remove the evidence, but right now, they were far outside of their usual Threerapanyakun territory.

He still remembers that one time when Khun Venice and Khun Prapai got themselves in trouble by causing havoc in some other gangs spot, it would have been a small matter but unfortunately it was at a time when a negotiation was going on between Thai and Russian mafia about the supply route for some Methamphetamine. Often known as crank, glass, ice and crystal meth. 

Contrary on popular belief, Thai mafia doesn't actually only consist of only Threerapanyakun. There are some other big shot names. Old money. Like Tony's. Even if his is not original mafia business, because he does some legal works. He is old money. Everyone knows it. Thus creating a small rivalry between him and Threerapanyakun. 

And thus during the deal  some other gang wanted to top a deal from the Threerapanyakun's. And somehow both Khun Venice and Khun Prapai was in their territory. It was a fucking bloodbath at that time. If Khun Venice hadn't managed to kill those fucking bastard there would have been another civil war between the Thai. Then the profit would belonged to the Russian's. 

Thankfully nothing like that happened. And Charlie was merely 14 at that time while Khun Venice was 19 and Khun Prapai was 17. Charlie only had started his bodyguard training then. No way P'Big would have let him go with the cleaning crew. Also he had Jeff to take care of at that time. Who was only 12  and freshly presented Omega. 

But he still remembers the nightmare it was for the bodyguards. Not only they had a whole gang to clear off, they also needed to make it sound like an accident cause some of the members were official employees in some office.  

P'Arm had gotten crazy at that time. Deleting footage after footage, whenever Khun Venice appeared. Also a whole lot of money thrown to the police to keep the mouth shut. 

And now Charlie has created another fucking disaster. Well not like he has any choice. What the hell was he supposed to do. Knowing P'Babe he would have exploded and probably take those men head on. Not that Charlie would have any problem with that. In fact he could have taken care of those piece of shits alone. His bodyguard training were for nothing. But it would have arouse doubt both in Tony and P'Babe. He doesn't need that right now. He can still feel the weight of the gun in backside of his jeans. 

"We can manage to make it home alright," P'Babe finally spoke up, his voice filled with a steely resolve. "But once we get there, this car will become useless."

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