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Babe? Jealous? No way on fucking hell he's jealous, just because Charlie's hanging out with that kid Jeff. 


Why would he be? Babe and Charlie were nothing more than fuck buddies Well, sort of. All Babe got was the promise of sex in return for letting Charlie drive one of his cars. That's how this whole thing started, right? So why should Babe care if Charlie talks to some other guy? 

But oh boy. It sure did trigger something. It set off an internal fire within Babe, causing him to simmer with rage – although he'd never admit it.

And then there's that stupid child. What on earth was he even discussing with Jeff? Doesn't the new kid  generally dislike small talk? Plus, Babe have  heard he's not a fan of physical contact. Yet, there he is, all chummy with Charlie like they've known each other forever. And Charlie? Just going along with it – how bizarre.

Its almost like Babe can't help but imagine dragging the Alpha over to his bed and going for a nice little ride. Oh, and making Charlie swim in his pheromones? Priceless. Just the perfect way to spend an evening, don't you think? 

Oh great, that annoying Alpha just couldn't resist yapping away with Jeff, could he? Babe was convinced that if he stuck around any longer, he'd probably do something he'd seriously regret. So, what did he do? He stood up, grabbed his jacket, and headed home. Or maybe he'd hit up a bar and drown his anger. 

But of course when has life given what he wanted. Just as he got up, Charlie came to him, wagging his tail like a dog following his owner. 


"P'Babe, wait where are you going?" Charlie asked, trying to keep pace. 

"None of your business." Babe retorted casually with a hint of sarcasm.

Babe couldn't help but notice his pheromones growing increasingly unpleasant by the minute. Perhaps Charlie sensed he was upset.

"P'Babe, What's wrong with you? Is someone making you angry?" Charlie asked, naively poking the bear. As if there is anyone else other than him, crashing into his life and destroying his carefully doted routine. 

"How can anyone dare to anger me. Did you know the new repairman from before?" 

"You mean Jeff?" Charlie inquired, feigning ignorance as if he was supposed to chat with an invisible ghost.

"Yes, Did you have many things to talk with him?" 

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