The talk

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Tae packed up his luggage and decided he'll stay with me until this issue is solved.

A lot happened in one night .its lot to process

It's almost midnight
We all are sitting on couch. Not even talking a word

Jimin is just jimin
Tae just broke up with unnie
I am still in shocked by events of the night

I realised something. These two are still in bathrobes .we basically traveled whole city today .

" Aren't you guys cold? "I ASK

"Taehyungshi we should probably change "

"You are right jimin "

They both got changed .and again sat on couch

"So what did you guys eat ?"I asked to break the silence

"We haven't ?"tae said blankly

"Why didn't you guys tell me this before. I'll cook something for you guys "

"I'll help "jimin said and followed ne into kitchen

It was difficult at first to make tae eat but we succeeded.and tucked him in bed .


Tae is free today ,no meeting, i wanted him to stay home and think calmly,but he insisted to accompany me and jimin to office.i realised that would be better plan .I make. Jimin and tae sit in my cabin while I go to namjoon's .

"Joon can I excess a file "i ask,his face bore a confused expression.

"Which file ?"

"Employees information "

"Y/n I can't give you excess just like that ,do you need a particular employee info "joon said .I know he is right.

"Yeah "

"Who is it ?"

"Jeon jungkook "

"Why ?"

"I need to confirm something ?"

"What's the matter y/n ?"I should probably tell him everything he is my bestie as well as my boss .I need to tell Stacy too.

"I need to tell you something will you promise that you will stay calm ,I haven't told Stacy yet let's call her too "

I called Stacy to come to namjoon's cabin ,she soon dashed through the door .

I explained yesterday events .namjoon had a unreadable expression but Stacy got full railed up with anger .

Joon allowed me access the file on his computer.

My suspicions were right ,he studied in the same school as mine ,same college,even joined the company with a week I joined .

Jungkook stalking me doesn't make sense,he doesn't give any creepy vibes too ,he seems perfect normal ,he hasn't given any threats nor blackmail me ,if he was some obsessed lover ,he could have harmed jimin by now ,but he seemed all friendly with jimin .

"Joon did he come to work today "i ask

"No he didn't,I received his resignation letter this morning "joon said

"He resigned?"i asked again to confirm

"He had clearly joined the company for you ,he Is caught so he doesn't need this job"
Namjoon said

"Joon I wanna speak to him "

"Are you crazy!!why do you wanna talk to your stalker?"stacy bursts

"I wanna know the reason "

"It's dangerous y/n "joon said

"but I wanna know why cause he didn't seem like the dangerous type "

"Girl he has being stalking you ,and you're telling me he didn't seem like the dangerous type" stacy mocked

"Y/n this is serious ok ,be careful and don't act like some wonder women and go behind him .if he doesn't kill you ,I will "

"Namjoon do you think I am that dumb "

"I think you are brave ,brave without thinking about safety is stupidity,so the word you are  looking for is stupid "joon said

"Are you mad at me ?"i ask

"Obviously,you didn't inform me until i asked you ,you should have called last night itself "

"Joon a lot was going on ,telling you guys didn't even cross my mind ,I was sacred as hell ,jimin and taehyung had murder on their mind ,I was busy calming them and processing things on my own "

"Where are you staying now ?"

"Obviously my apartment ?"

"It's not safe y/n ,you should stay somewhere else "

"Do you know how difficult it is to find a place in seoul "

"so you are staying with us "Stacy pitched in

"No "

"Don't you wanna stay with us ?"

"I want to but it's not just me there's jimin and tae too ,my safety is not compromised I basically have two bodyguards who wouldn't think before killing him if he gets anywhere near me .and it's jungkook we are talking about he is capable of tracking me ,he can hack into even your house cctv and dash cam ,phone anything,it wouldn't make any difference if i shift with you guys "

"You know the offer stays if you want to in future ?"joon said

"Of course,your house is mine to crash I won't hesitate to if I want to don't worry,so let's get back to work Mr Kim and forget everything "

"You are right miss Min ,let's discuss about the meeting at 2"


Thankfully both of them didn't loss their minds like I expected them to ,they took it calmer then I thought , good thing.

We returned home after office we took take out ,i played some random movie to watch while eating our dinner .

The movie is "runaway bride ".I like old movie ,they are so good .it's kinda obvious how the movie ends ,it's predictable but in a good way .

"I wanna be alone for sometime"he said and dashed out of home

"Jimin what I am supposed to do ?"

"Pearl I wish I knew answers but I don't have .he is deeply hurt betrayed by the person he loves ,I don't know how to soothe his broken heart "

"Neither do I,but what should we do "

"Nothing ,we do nothing,he needs his space right now ,when he wants to open up ,we will keep our arms open to comfort him ."

"I think you are right "

"Pearl get ready we need to work on your fear of water "

"But jimin "

"Past 4 days we haven't done ,today I am not letting it slide "
He said while being completely serious,i can't persuade him in skipping it .I accept my defeat

"Ok fine "

Water bound /pjm FfWhere stories live. Discover now