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Holes of light shone through the rips and tears in kat's curtain, illuminating the worn and discoloured black ash floor. The day was 23rd of August and much had changed in the Malfoy Manor since her father had died. Screams and howls of terror no longer echoed through the long winding hallways, maniacal laughter fell silent. The house now spent most of its time waiting in silence, the creaks and groans coming from its walls admitting that the quiet solace was a pleasant break from the misery that usually took hold of it.

The day father died had been a blessing to Kat. Now, she spent most of her days walking around. Sure pretending to be sad all the time was exhausting,as she felt more like singing and playing, but she had no more summons from her father. No more punishment for being out of her room, from her father. Katra felt as free as she had ever felt. She spent her days doing what she wished.

After months of the Dark Lord being vanquished almost all of the families that lived in the Manor had left. There had been a massive hurry the day after his funeral to move out and try to integrate with the rest of the wizarding society. All that was left was the Malfoys ; Lucius, Narissa, and their small son Draco and a few of Voldemorts closest deatheaters.

Now days seemed to pass even slower, with no-one to distract her, kat had done everything she ever dreamed about doing in the house. She was uninterrupted. She walked the halls without meeting anyone, apart from draco, she played where she wanted- with what she wanted, and one fateful day she even found a forgotten Wand and practiced spells she read about in a dusty old book she had also found. She stole food from the kitchens, until dobby, the malfoys house elf, found out and made her meals specially.

Draco seemed to be the only one thar even knew katra was there, and he hated her. With Volemorts disappearance or death Draco saw it fit to berate her whenever he could, and his parents ,forgetting her existence, didn't
do anything about it.

Everything in Katra's life was as perfect as she dreamed, minus the harsh words from Draco. She was rarely hungry, she wasn't bored anymore thanks to the forgotten wand, and she had a friend. Dobby. The only dream yet fulfilled was her dream to be free. Free of Malfoy Manor, free of the watchful eyes of the guards-men that refused her exit, free of the darkness that engulfed her entire life.

And an out appeared one day, from the talons of a handsome tawny old that knocked on her window in the early hours of August 20th

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