Chapter 3

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The walls were blue, "just like your eyes", her dad said when she picked out the colour years ago. MJ's bed was raised up and underneath was Dante's cave of smelly chew toys and tattered blankets. Dante's fur was scattered everywhere. Pictures of her and Lee hung on the corkboard above her bed along with drawings of Juliette, her wings extended flying over a rainbow. "Juliette?" Mj looked into the nesting box screwed into the wall. Inside the box were four newborn guinea flutter pigs, their wings were thin and stuck to their fur. Cruise came in the door behind her, "She had pups! Four of them, look! I call the big one Chungus. He's thick!" Cruise said, picking up Chungus and kissing his forehead. "You are the cutest! Mwah Mwah! Call Juliette, she was here this morning but she doesn't hang around home much these days." Cruise told MJ. MJ opened her window and whistled and clicked. She heard a high pitched scream come from 2 houses away, Juliette had definitely heard her. "Ju Ju Bee!" MJ yelled back. The scream got louder and she heard a shovel hit the neighbours cement driveway. Juliette must have been dumping their garbage again. Now the sounds of branches cracking and leaves rustling. "You might want to open the window wider, Juliette is a bit bigger..." Cruise said, as he puffed his cheeks up. MJ looked out the window in time to see a massive hairy lump hurtling towards her, a banana peel on her head and a shopping bag caught on her back leg, she held a tattered pizza box in her mouth. "Juliette! My Baby!" Juliette let out a squeal as she closed in, the pizza box in her mouth flapped up blocking her entrance and vision all at once. Lee entered, with a piece of pizza in his hand as Juliette hurtled over the top of the pizza box landing square on Lee's chest. "Oooff! Hey, what the heck?" Lee yelled as Juliette seamlessly yanked the piece of pizza out of his mouth and hissed through gritted teeth. "Ju Ju!" MJ said, grabbing the hissing beastie and covering her with smooches. "I missed you so much! Wait, I remember her!" MJ exclaimed. "You remember her?" Cruise asked. "What was that about remembering? "Yelled her mom from the kitchen. "I remember Juliette, that time she pooped in the Jorgensen's sunroof, or when she slept in your mother's day cake." MJ yelled as she ran to her mom. "That's great sweetie! Daniel did you hear that! Our girl is back!" Mom yelled. "I knew you would be back in no time girl." Dad said as he ruffled her hair. Juliette landed on her shoulder, grooming her hair and cooing in her ear. Leslie, Lee's mom, was in the kitchen. "I brought pizza, your favorite MJ. Hand tossed, anchovy and sweet corn." Leslie said with a grin. "Ummm... Thank you Mrs. Fraags." MJ wasn't feeling so hungry all of a sudden. "I'm kidding MJ, I know you love your pizza plain, half cheese no flavour, thin as a sheet of paper." Leslie laughed, opening a large box. Cruise coughed and said "gullible" at the same time. MJ shot an evil look his way as Juliette took off from her shoulder, landing on Cruise's hair. "Holy Hannah, you stink Juliette!" Cruise exclaimed, squatting down to try to shake her off. "leave my baby alone, jerk! She is a flipping angel! Aren't you Ju Ju?!" MJ exclaimed. Juliette took off from Cruise's hair taking a scruff in her mouth. "Ow, dingus!" Cruise batted at Juliette, as she hissed and flew down the hall to put the hair in her nesting box. "I'm so happy that we are all together again, our family is whole!" Leslie said, squeezing Lee as he went limp in an attempt to escape. "I'm just happy! We missed you so much! My little warrior bird." Leslie grabbed MJ around her neck and pulled her into a headlock. "It's good to be back" MJ croaked, relaxing into the cuddle. 


679 words (words do not count after this point)

I wrote this while at a friends. So it's a little shorter then I hoped, but i guess that i works?

Slay the day.


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