Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taken

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When adult Sukuna is talking his font will be this: Sukuna.


When you stir awake, you notice how Sukuna has a secure hold on your waist and hand. His grip is so secure that you can barely move. You shift in hold, feeling your legs asleep which causes painful prickling sensations. Well if you can't escape, you might as well find another comfortable position. Moving around in his arm, you stretch and shift until you are lying across his lap.

"Must you move so much?"

You look up to see he opens his eyes and leans into his hand. "You see if you weren't holding me too tightly I would've left your arm to stretch," you teased him as you poked his chest. He lets out a hum as he lets you go, giving you the freedom to stretch out your limbs. As you stretch there is movement in the corner of your eye. It was from outside and it looked like a bright orange glow.

"Sukuna somethings out there," you whisper. Immediately he was by your side and out the door. You waited to hear him killing people, telling you to either run or hide, or something. Waiting and waiting until you hear children's laughter. Confused, you exit the home and find people walking around this village. Or ghosts of people with a tint of orange glow. They're walking down the street, talking to merchants, trading. Like nothing happened and this is a normal village, if only that glow they're covered in wasn't there to tell you they are not real.

You try to find Sukuna while also not walking into the people. "Sukuna? Sukuna where-!" You cough as you bump into a "person" and then they cuss you out. "Watch where you're going!" the lady yelled as she huffed, walking away from you. "Oh god sorry, I'm-!" You tried to not walk into any other 'ghosts' as they moved on with their lives. Even the livestock are ghosts from Sukuna's past.

After moving away from the ghosts you track down Sukuna who is following two children with pink hair. Sukuna finally stopped in his tracks as he watched the two kids. To you, they looked very familiar, yet not at the same time. "Brother, I'm sorry!" the Tenshi yells as he laughs. What was he apologizing for? And why was Sukuna soaking wet?

"Fuck you!" Sukuna growled not slowing down. You stand beside your Sukuna as the two twins chase each other until Sukuna pins Tenshi down into the dirt. "You put spiders in my bed, you deserved getting pushed into the lake!" Tenshi exclaimed while laughing.

"Next time I'll put scorpions in your bed," Sukuna growled as he held Tenshi in a chokehold. You let out a small snicker and look at Sukuna. "You put spiders in his bed?" You asked, in disbelief. Though then again, it sounds fitting for him.

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