Ally Or Not?

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Eren would begin to speak while being dazed as Armin supports him on his shoulder

Eren: I'll kill you all.

Armin: Eren?

Eren regains his consciousness and returns to reality. He would see Y/N,Armin and Mikasa surrounded by troops and backed into a corner

Eren: Ah! What is going on?

MIkasa: Eren?

Armin: Eren,can you move! Are you yourself again? Tell them everything you know! I'm sure they'll understand!

Eren: Armin,what are you talking about?

Soldier 1: Did you hear that? He said "I'll kill you all"!

Soldier 2: Yeah,you heard him! He wants to devour us all!

Eren:"What are they talking about? Why are their swords against us? They are meant for killing Titans! Why are they all glowering at me like that? What's going on?"

Inside Wall Rose

Cadets are gathered around to restock their supplies. Connie,Krista and Ymir sit together. With Connie explaining to the two of how they made it out

Connie: And yeah, That's how we got out of Trost.

Krista: I'm so sorry. We asked to send reinforcements for you but were delayed

Ymir: Yeah, we even managed to secure some gas.

Krista: Wait,then all the people who aren't here are...

Connie: Yeah.

Krista: Ah...

Ymir: Even Mikasa and Y/N?

Connie: No, I thought Mikasa and Y/N came back with Jean and the Others.

Ymir: Hey,Jean! Don't tell me they were wounded?

Jean would look at them sternly before drinking water before talking

Jean: I'll tell you if I can. They told us to keep it a secret.

Connie: Secret?

Ymir: What?

Jean: It's hardly something they can keep a secret. Soon enough everyone will know. If we make it out.

Top of Wall Rose

Garrison troops stand over the wall,looking down at the Titans

Hannes: They built a wall of flesh out of Titans,It's a good technique but it will have to fail. We still can't afford to let our guard down. Whatever happens will happen here so don't fall on your toes. Hey,something is wrong?

Soldier: Sir, I'm fine, just a little worried. About my friends in the vanguard. A messenger just rushed to HQ and came back with this look in his face.

Hannes; Kid, no matter how hard it gets we have to stay focused and follow on. Just as we were trained.

Soldier: It is true about you saving those four kids 5 years ago sir? They're cadets now right? Won't they be in the vanguard too?

Hannes: Yeah.

Soldier: I'm sorry sir, I'm talking too much about it.

Hannes: They're strong little bastards. And they know what it means to stay alive. Two of them are the best fighters I've ever seen. The other is so stubborn that it can drive you crazy. And their friend is the smartest person I know. They'll be fine,without a doubt in my mind.

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