57th Expedition

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On the day of the expedition. The Survey Corps are preparing to leave from the city

Soldiers: Commander,it's almost time. Titans nearby have been lured away. Gate opens in thirty seconds!

Girl: Wow!

Eren: Huh?

Eren would look away from his horse and look around to see children watching from a window

Girl: Awesome it's the Scouts!

Boy: See the symbol,they call it the wings of freedom!

Girl: So cool!

Darius: It's time! The day for humanity to take another step forward! Now,let's show them Titans what we're made of!

Soldiers: Yeah!

Soldier: Open the gate!

The main gate opens

Erwin: Forward!

The soldiers advance

Erwin: The 57th expedition begins! Advance!

On the way out of Karanes,Erwin,Hange and Mike lead the group. Mike notices a smell causing Hange to look around and notice a Titan to their left

Hange: We got a ten meter closing in from the left!

Two soldiers head forward to attack the Titan

Hange: I want to know what's inside that stomach. Nevermind,let the support squad do their job!

One of the solders barely cuts the Titan's neck

Soldier 1: Dammit,too shallow!

Soldier 2: Just focus on defending the formation!

The soldiers would continue to distract the Titan as the Scouts pass by

Sasha: Eek!

Darius would grab Sasha' head and turn it forward

Darius: Eyes front! Their job is to handle it! Your job is to keep moving!

Soldier: Forward! Fight for all your worth!

Days before the expedition

Gunther: They'll only have are backs until we clear the old city area. Everything beyond that will be Titan territory, and be more or less on are own. The only thing to fallback for is Commander Erwin long-range scouting formation. The Special Ops Squad will be here.

Present time

Eren: Oluo,question? Do you think my friends will be able to take down a Titan?

Oluo: Huh? Really?  What have you been doing for the past month?

Eren: Huh?

Oluo: Now listen, prepared or not you're all scouts, whether you like or not to jump on those fe-

Oluo bites his tongue. Soldiers continue forward,outside the city and into open fields

Erwin: Long-range formation,let's go!

Soldiers begin to split off

Reinre: See ya around,goodluck.

Jean: If you run into a Titan,don't piss your pants!

Armin: Yeah! Same goes for you!

With Y/N

Y/N and the rest of Squad Mike would continue to ride along while having some small chats

Gelgar: Hey,Y/N. After this you want to go and get a couple of rounds of shots?

Nanaba: Stop turning him into an alcoholic you idiot!

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