57th Expedition Part 2

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Y/N: Alright,bitch just you and me!

Y/N draws his blades and stares down The Female Titan down

Y/N"From what I saw she knows her weak spots,and from her control she's stronger than Eren.And I can't let her call any more Titan's"

Y/N would rush The Female Titan and sees as she throws a kick at him,Y/N dodges and shoots his hooks into her thigh and makes his way up to her nape and tries to cut it only for her to cover it

Y/N:"God damn it! She's too smart,and I don't know what else I can do."

Y/N flies around her and dodges a punch from her and makes his way to her while cutting her arm up,before aiming at her eyes before she backs away causing Y/N to fly back

Y/N:"I can probably see how fast she can regenerate"

Y/N watches as her arms heals back in a instant

Y/n:"?! That fast!? Just who the hell is this?! And how do we take them out!?"

Y/N flies towards her and begins flying around her in circles and waits for attack,The Female Titan would watch him before throwing a punch at him,Y/N flies under her arm before looking down and sees her throw a kick towards causing him to cut her foot

Y/N:"Now's my chance!"

Y/N flies towards her nape and comes down  attempting to cut her nape only for a crystal to form causing his blades to break

Y/N:"Huh? What... Did she just do?"

Y/N would look down in shock before snapping out of shock and barely dodging her punch

Y/N:"I have to inform Captain and the Commander! Only Levi can take her out! Me and Mikasa would have to work together to kill her!"

Y/N would look at The Female Titan before drawing one blade and looking at her. The Female Titan would look at him before charging towards him and throwing a kick at him with force. Y/N would shot his hooks into a nearby tree and flying behind it

Y/N:"I have to get out of here and warn the others. I have to find a way to stall her so I can get out of here. If I can just take out both her eyes and her legs I can get out."

Y/N would look over the tree and see the Female Titan make her way towards him. Y/N would use his ODM Gear and shoots his hook into another tree and flies behind her. The Female Titan would turn around and make eye contact with Y/N before he slashes both her eyes and cutting her entire body causing her to fall to the ground

Y/N:"Yes! I have time!"

Y/N would spot his horse and flies towards it

Y/N: Hey boy you're ok.

Y/N gets on his horse and takes off towards the center and his squad. Y/N would turn back to the Female Titan looking at him as he rides away

Y/N:"Where have I seen that look?

In a Small forest

Jean,Armin and Reiner make their way to a small forest. Jean would whistle for his horse,while Reiner bandages Armin

Reiner: How's your gear?

Armin: Don't worry about it,it came off how it's supposed to. So it should be fine.

Reiner: Alright then,but we're still with only one horse and that won't help us with anything. Until Jean's horse gets here we can't do anything.

Jean:"Just my luck. Reiner's horse comes back to him like an old lover. Why the hell does mine not want to come back? Damn it,we can't afford to stay out here for long. And who knows how Y/N's holding up. If worst comes to worst, one of us will be left behind. What are we supposed to do then? Armin's hurt. Reiner's is too big and would have trouble riding with someone. Maybe I should take my chance and run on foot to find it? How messed up is this world that we have to considerthat. This is what we get for escaping death and possibly leading someone's else to there's"

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