Walking on the Leap of Faith Part 1- Childhood Memories

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Almira was born into a middle-class family. She has two siblings named Toto (eldest) and Ella (youngest). Her parents owned a small bakery in their small town. Her father delivered the goods every day to far places away from home. Her mother was very nurturing and loved her children. She was very focused on her children. 

The Siblings!

"Almira!" Toto screamed.
"Have you seen my marbles?" Toto asked.

"No, I didn't see that while turning her head on the other side. She knows very well where the marbles are."  Almira denied.

"I know where to find it!" Taa- da - da.. Ella said

"You guys always taking my toys. Give it back to me!" Toto disappointed.

"What is that chaos here? I heard all your screams from outside. Could you just play silently without fighting?" Mama Tessie scolded.

"These two took my marbles. I need it now! my friends are waiting for me outside". Toto almost about to cry.

"Can I come with you Toto? I promise I'll return your marbles". Almira offered.

"No! I don't like you to come. You're not part of friends circle though." Toto bursting.

"Kids, enough. Stop fighting!" Mama Tessie was frustrated.

This daily scenario at home was not new to Mama Tessie. Her kids was in chaos every day. Every child has different personality. Fighting over toys, screaming each other, crying and complaining. Her children was her life. Her eldest was strong and less tempered son Toto. Her second child Almira was very energetic, boyish, quite sometime, had her own world, loving, stubborn by nature, adventurous on her own way, fearless, witty, always trouble her brother  and always behind her Mama. There was her youngest who loves her Papa so much. Nobody can come to her Papa when she was around. Three different children. A gift from God. They are Mama Tessie's life. 

"Mama can I do this until I grow up? I love to sleep while you are stroking my hair. This is my favorite place to sleep." Almira confessed sweetly while lying down on her Mama's lap.

"Of course! but promise me to be a good girl everyday. Don't trouble your brother too much. Act like a girl. Stop asking Mama to cut your hair. Long hair looks good on you." Mama Tessie smiling.

"Okay Mama( smiling). Mama can I bring a lot of bread to school tomorrow? I want to share to all my classmates. Some of them don't have snacks at recess. "Almira asked her Mama nicely.

"Hmm you haven't change at all. You always thinking about others. Yes, you may bring some to share but make sure not every day. Your papa will not be happy to find out." Mama Tessie replied.

"Thank you Mama." Almira whispered while her eyes was closing to sleep. She felt her Mama's kiss on her forehead. 

Almira was very closed to her mother. They do gardening together. She was helping her Mama in cooking. She loves the company of her Mama. They both love flowers. Her Mama was her number one supporter. Her Mama was the one who was very proud of her school achievements.  People said she resembled a lot of her Mama. Her Mama was very nurturing and loving to her and her siblings. She wasn't close to her Papa, he was strict and disciplinarian but her Papa was proud of her being smart in school. Her Papa's  favorite was Ella (youngest). She gets along with her brother sometimes. A normal siblings situation with misunderstanding but definitely they have their back on each other. Almira had a beautiful childhood. A happy family. She couldn't ask for more. A picture perfect indeed!

Proceed for Part Two....

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