Walking on the Leap of Faith Part 7 - Forgiveness - Going back home.

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Almira was back to her Aunt's home. She was very frustrated thinking of what had happened. She was relieved to think that her siblings were in her grandparent's care at the moment. Her thoughts were joggling from her situation and her family. She hated her Papa but at the same time, she understood what made him do that. She hopes one day it will be back to normal again.

Almira's life continued. She doesn't have much friends. In the school, she had only two classmates whom she liked to talk with. Most of the time she was quiet. Her daily life was school and home only during weekdays. There were times when her Aunt was nice and sometimes not. Almira thought it was just like a mother who cared for her daughter. She accepted all the criticism and some of them from her relatives only. There were times when she felt she didn't belong to the world. She was hiding due to fear of judgment from the people surrounding her. She was watching the kids outside the gate playing freely and joyfully. She wished she was as happy as they were.

Almira was quiet but her thoughts were full of dreams and imagination

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Almira was quiet but her thoughts were full of dreams and imagination. She imagined a lot of things that made her happy. In short, she entertained herself through imagination. She listened and connected to her thoughts a lot. In that way, she felt happy in her imagination than in her real life. In the dawn, Almira loved to look up at the sky while she was watering the flowers and plants in the garden. She fell in love with those sparkling and shining objects above her. Watching the above created a different feeling for her. How lovely to see the moon lighting above the Earth and the stars added beauty across the sky. She found it so amazing and dreamed of "I wish I could touch them". Every dawn that sight above gave her hope and unexplainable happiness inside her heart. She was talking to them from afar and she told them all her secrets and dreams. There were times that they were not showing in the sky which made Almira feel sad. She somehow felt connected to them whom she considered her friends. She trusted the Moon and the Stars above than anyone around her. A lot of wishes was made when a falling star passed by.

On the other hand, Almira was surprised of her Papa and siblings visit. She wasn't expected them to come and see her. That short reunion of them was full of joy and happiness. Almira had a conversation of her Papa and finally the hatred she felt towards him were all gone. Her sister and brother was back to her Papa's home and she remained in her Aunt Nora's home. They casually meet once a while. Although her Papa still drinking and causing troubles every now and then but they just trying to understand him.

Almira's high school graduation was approaching and she was excited about it. It has been four years since she was living in her Aunt Nora's home. It has ups and down but she's grateful for their help. Her Aunt Nora wasn't perfect person but Almira respected her. They haven't discuss about her colleges yet but Almira already plan to move back to her Papa. After graduation, Almira spoke to her Aunt and Uncle about her plan of going back to her Papa and they agreed to her decision. She packed her things and see around her small room. She was sad to leave the place where it has been familiar for her already. Looking outside she felt more sad to see the garden she took good care for four years. Her heart felt heavy and confused. Will she be okay to stay with family again? She thanked her Aunt and Uncle and bid farewell. While she was approaching to the gate she lastly turned her head to the garden. She will definitely miss them and she hoped they will be taken care of by the new care taker. Stepping forward she also thought if the Moon and the Stars in the sky will be happy to see her with her family again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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