Walking in the Leap of Faith Part 4 - The Siblings Separation

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Then one day Almira's Papa came home. He was emotionless and looked so haggard. He didn't ask his children how are they when he wasn't around. He was angry and yelling at his children. Almira and her siblings were very scared to see the different personalities of their father. Once a loving father to his children became a tyrant to his children.

"Almira! Pack your clothes right now". Almira's Papa screamed.

Almira was scared and speechless while packing her clothes into a small bag.

"Where are we going, Papa?" Almira shivered with tears in her eyes.

"One of our relatives needed you at their home and they offered to send you to school". Her Papa replied.

"I don't want to go Papa. I wanna stay here with Toto and Ella". Almira was in tears.

"Your future will be better if you stay with them. Just be good and obey whatever they ask you to do". Her Papa stated!

Almira looked at her two siblings who were there listening. Ella started to cry and Toto was quiet.

"Toto will stay with your grandparents for the time being while Ella will stay with me". Their Papa said.

Their father's sudden decision added to their pain and broken heart. They were young back then and they couldn't go against their father's wishes. Almira looked at her siblings miserably. She never thought that they would get separated without prior notice. What will happen to them? Will they see each other again?

Almira and her Papa arrived at the relative's home. She saw her Papa discussing with the person who was new to her sight. She felt so scared and nervous but it was useless to tell her father about it. It seems that it has been decided already that she has to stay with that family.

"Hi Almira, I am your Auntie Nora and this is your Uncle Lucas. Your Papa asked us to take good care of you during your stay with us. Our children were all grown up. Two of them were married. Two of them were in the other city to study college and our youngest is here. She was in college as well. Feel at home with us. Come, I will show you your room". Auntie Nora nicely talking.

Almira silently followed with her small bag in her hand.

"This is your room. You can put your clothes in this drawer. It's quite messy here right now but we will arrange it later on, okay". Auntie Nora explained.

Almira just nodded her head. Auntie Nora walked outside while Almira looked around to her new room. There was a lot of stuff inside. There was a small window close to her headboard just enough to see the sky in the night. Her room is just right after the kitchen and back door to the huge garden with lots of plants. It wasn't the same as her previous room at home but it seems it's comfortable enough for her. She sat on the bed and watched outside from the small window. The house was beautiful with so many flowers and plants around. She loved plants and flowers, it reminded her of her Mama. She saw her Papa and the relatives walking towards the gate. She couldn't hear their conversation but she saw her Papa leaving. She suddenly panicked and cried. She wanted to call her Papa but she was scared. Her Papa continued walking without even looking back. Almira felt abandoned. She was scared!

Will her Papa pick her up again? Will she be able to meet her siblings again? When?

Find out on the next page.....

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