Walking on the Leap of Faith Part 5 - A New Home Away From Home

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Almira wiped her tears, exhausted from crying. She knew that she had to face the world on her own. She might not understand the whole situation yet but she knew she must be strong. She has a new hope in a new place she considers a new home. There was lots of fear and confusion inside that young heart of her. While she was in her deep thoughts she heard a knock on the door. She fixed herself and went to open it.

"Almira, come I'll show you around the house. You must familiarize everything here starting today since you will be staying with us. " Aunt Nora explained.

"Okay". Almira replied nervously.

"This is the living room. Everything here is special and make sure not to break any of it. I will teach you how to clean them and what day you have to do it". Aunt Nora continued.

Almira nodded her head and just listened to the instructions given. 

"This is our garden. You will be taking care of them every day. I will teach you how to take good care of it. Some flowers you need to constantly move here and there and some of them are not suitable to water every day". Aunt Nora continued to explain.

Almira was amazed to see a huge garden that she had to take good care of. Watching those colorful flowers made her happy and reminded her of her Mama again. She was mesmerized by the beauty in front of her. What a beautiful garden setting indeed! She suddenly felt excited and almost out of focus on what her Aunt Nora said. She had to remember which plants and flowers needed water every day and which were not. They spent an hour exploring the garden. She knew inside of her that she felt good to stay in that kind of scenery. Back inside the house, her Aunt started to prepare dinner and she must take part in it. Her Aunt said she must know how to cook at least the basic menu. The dinner was served and done. Almira was introduced to the youngest daughter of Aunt Nora. She seemed nice and friendly. Days, weeks, and months had passed. Almira adjusted to the new place she was in. She was enrolled in a first-year high school. She was busy with the daily chores every day but from time to time she was thinking about her siblings and her Papa. Although they lived in the same town she didn't see them nor heard about them. Sadness occupied her on her almost time to sleep. 

A week before school started, Almira got the things needed. Her Aunt Nora bought it for her. She smiled and was excited to go back to school again. Her Aunt also changed her daily schedule. She had to wake up earlier than normal days. Her day would start at 4 am on school days. She started to water all the flowers and plants around the house. Sweeping some dried leaves from the backyard. Cleaning inside the house. Cooking food for breakfast. Getting ready for school. She was happy while she was in the school. She met her few cousins and through them, she learned about her siblings. She wanted to visit her siblings but she was scared of asking permission from her Aunt. Sometimes her Aunt would tell her about her Papa drinking everywhere. Going to work while drunk. He might get terminated from his job soon if he doesn't change. That news broke Almira's heart. She started to feel resentful towards her father. She was worried about her younger sister. She started to question why it was so hard for them to be happy again. 

Was there any hope coming for them?

Find out on the next page, please.....

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