Walking on the Leap of Faith Part 2 - The Lost of Loved One

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Almira was eleven years old when her world turned upside down. She lost the most important person in her life. Her mother was gone from the huge accident. At exactly 1:30 am a loud knock from the door wakes them up from their deep sleep. She and her siblings received very shocking news. She was frozen and couldn't move upon hearing it. The most painful information that was very difficult to process. She felt like her heartbeat had stopped beating for a while. Cold sweat on her forehead. She can't open her mouth to talk. Her body felt so cold. A relative brought them to the hospital.

"Papa!" Almira uttered while sobbing. She was speechless. She was very shocked to see her father lying down in the hospital bed just outside the hallway. The blood was dripping from her Papa's face continuously. She was terrified to see a big chunk of meat from her Papa's face was gone. She and her two siblings were motionless and sobbing their hearts out. Some relatives were present in the hospital at that moment. Almira left her two siblings inside the hospital to stay with her Papa. Her uncle brought her to the other building outside the hospital. That place was a little dark and cold. Few people were standing outside. Almira slowly approaches the door. She was shivering while watching the familiar face lying down in that cold concrete bed. That familiar long hair was full of blood and dripping continuously. Almira hesitated to get closer. Her mind was trying to process what was going on. In her mind, this can't be real, it was a bad dream, an imagination perhaps. Her uncle held her hand to get closer. She saw her Mama's pale face, unresponsive, soulless, and nonliving. 

"Mama! Wake up Mama, please. Open your eyes. Mama!"  Almira held her Mama's hand screaming and begging her Mama to wake up. She realized that it wasn't a dream, it was real indeed! In her mind, how could these things happen? It was just yesterday when they were happily celebrating Ella's birthday (youngest). What's gonna happen to her and her siblings? How are they going to survive? They were young. Toto was 12, Almira was 11 and Ella was 9. A few days later. Her Mama was brought back home. It was different this time. Her Mama came home inside that white box. People were visited every day crying. Offering flowers, and expressing condolences and prayers have been held every day. Three days later, in the hospital. Almira's Papa was awake! Almira's grandma brought her to the hospital to visit her Papa. Outside the hospital, a relative was sitting and giving instructions to everyone who wanted to visit her Papa. Her Papa didn't know yet that his wife didn't survive the accident. All he knew was his wife was brought to the other hospital due to her severe condition. Almira and her grandma went inside. Almira saw her Papa's face stitched. The doctor removed some skin and meat from his Papa's upper leg to cover his face. Her Papa was sitting in the bed when they arrived. He wasn't allowed to move around yet due to his broken arms and legs. While Grandma was preparing his food, Almira came closer to her Papa.

"How are you and your siblings? How was your Mama? Did you visit her? When she will come home?" Almira's Papa asked. These questions made Almira cry but she wasn't allowed to tell the truth yet.

"We're good Papa. Mama was recovering slowly. She will be home soon." Almira in tears sadly replied!  

"What was the reason why everyone was crying whenever they visited me? I thought something happened. Was your Mama okay? Was there something I need to know?" Almira's Papa doubted.

"No, Papa! we're not hiding anything." Almira nervously answered her eyes towards her grandma. 

Almira and Grandma left the hospital after feeding her Papa and providing for his needs. Outside the hospital, Grandma was discussing with the relatives about her Papa. They know that they can't hide the truth any longer. The plan has been made.  After 5 days, Almira's Papa slowly recovered. Elders from the family decided to visit him and told him the truth. Her Papa's acted wildly. He removed the IVs placed on his hand. He was screaming and blaming himself. He was grieving. The doctor was trying to stop him from going home but he can't wait to see his wife. He asked his relatives to help him to get up and brought him home. 

"Aaaaargh! What did I do? I killed my wife." Almira's Papa was screaming and crying while watching his wife lifeless inside the white coffin. It was a sad and heartbreaking day for everyone who witnessed that day.

After 10 days, It was time to say Goodbye to their Mama. White car with lots of flowers followed by a lot of people grieving. The dark sky that day witnessed the loved ones and people with them grieving. It was part of Almira's life that was very difficult to overcome. 

How was their life after that? Find out in the next chapter.

To be continued...

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