Walking on the Leap of Faith Part 3 - The Sibling's Survival!

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The reality hits so hard for the siblings. The home that was once full of light, joy, and happiness becomes cold as ice. The light was gone. Their guide was gone. Everybody was gone. Almira looked at her siblings sadly and they were hungry. Their Papa wasn't home. He had been missing for a few days already. Nobody was there for the siblings. There were times when their neighbors gave them food. Toto was in first-year high school, Almira was in grade 6 and Ella was in grade 3. The first week was very challenging. Toto had to skip classes to work. It was the time to use the talent that his grandfather taught him. He started to offer haircutting to his classmates and friends. He charged them P10.00. He was lucky to get a lot of customers in a day and the money he earned was enough for the food for him and his two sisters. On the other hand, Almira started to skip classes as well. She has to look after her sister and learn to cook and wash on her own. She was once a bright student but suddenly she lost interest in her studies. Their life wasn't easy at that time.  Their father will come and go. They heard that he was drunk and making trouble. Their grandparents were chasing their father everywhere. They also heard that their father was sleeping in the cemetery to be with their Mama. If their Papa comes home it creates a lot of fear for the siblings. He got angry with his children quickly. There were times when he physically hurt her children. The neighbors saved Almira and her siblings from her father's temper.  It has been a normal daily routine for Almira and her siblings. The fear that they felt when their was around was enormous. They were tip-toting and were scared to make mistakes. There were also times when their father was good when he wasn't drunk.  

First Christmas and New Year without their loving Mama. Toto bought a liter of soda and bread. He brought his sisters to the beach. The three of them happily played in the salty water like they had nothing going on.  Their laughter was back temporarily. They felt free. They splashed and they swam until they got tired. They rested and ate the food that they brought. Almira wished to be this happy with her siblings forever. It was sunset and it was time to go home.

Almira's elementary graduation day! Their neighbor let her borrow a dress and shoes to wear. They also helped her to fix herself. While Almira was walking to the school. She was thinking who would be there to accompany her. Toto was busy with his customers. Her Papa wasn't home. She reached school and told her teacher that she was alone. Her teacher promises to walk with her on stage. Almira never thought that she would graduate grade 6. She missed a lot of classes but her teacher was very helpful. She gave her consideration to take all those missed exams and they let her pass. The graduation was over. Everyone had a family to celebrate with. Almira exited slowly and walked towards the gate to go home. Ella was waiting for her at the gate of the school holding a flower garland on her hands bought by Toto. 

"Why you didn't go inside Ella? The stage was not far away from here". Almira asked her sister excitedly.

"I was scared to go inside. There were so many people. I don't know where to find you. That's why I choose to wait for you here at the gate." Ella replied nervously.

"Sorry, I never thought you would come here today. It's not safe for you to walk alone from home to here." Almira was worried.

"I'm scared to come alone but Toto asked me to come to bring this garland he bought for you." Ella lent the garland to Almira. 

"Okay then, put it on my neck" Almira smiled.

Ella put the garland on her sister's neck. They held their hands together walking and talking on the way home. Toto gave them two small chocolates as a gift. On the other hand, toto didn't manage to pass some of his subjects. He sacrificed his studies to earn money for his sisters and daily survival. Since then, he decided not to enroll in school anymore. He wanted to focus on earning. School days were over which meant that his income was uncertain. He applied in the small salon in their hometown as a timer. He was underage and not allowed to work full-time. Almira was in charge at home with her sister. They managed to maintain their life daily during the school break. Some relatives would visit them to bring some food. Neighbors help them on difficult days. Their father would show up and disappear. They got used to those settings already. It was more peaceful when their Papa wasn't home. 

The school break was almost over when.....

Read the next page please.....

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