Chapter 8

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"It's extremely stuffy inside"

Won't deny the fact however I do not believe this is the real reason

And why do you believe so?

You have been inside that courtroom since morning

Ohh so now someone is keeping tabs. Am I sounding stupid!? Is he flirting with me!? Why does it have to be me? I try to sound as confident as I can while whole of my nervous system is wrecked and my knees are kind of giving up. He is hot and pretty at the same time i.e. a deadly combination.

You should always keep tabs on beautiful things

Things huh

He smirked. why would he smirk, god no, what is there to smirk about here.

Intern huh?



Queen Mary School of Law, Penultinate year

May I ask Before I could even finish my sentence he interrupted me

James...James davis Junior Associate, KN

Sorry, Layla Brown

Layla I like the sound of it. And my heart skipped a beat, wait what if he is a serial killer. Its a given fact that good looking cute boys are either gay or serial killers. What if he murders me. It is easy to find victims in Court, all you have to do is play pretend and tada you found your victim.

So? Coffee? Take a break

Huh yes sure

On the way he started asking me questions about college, about my internhsip, whether I am liking work or not? In the meanwhile I found out that he is Australian and recently graduated from Sydney Law School however, is a native of windsor.

Umm interns are not allowed here I say when I notice we are going to the main cafetaria which is reserved for lawyers only.

Don't worry you are allowed with me.

He orders two coffees and as we talk about legit random stuff. Best thing in my college canteen. Gossips about his professors he knew and how he used it to score marks and i.e. is a clever thing to do. How the coffee here sucks and how we both find classic americano better than any other coffee. And then he starts telling me gossips about judges and various senior lawyers. They are not exactly gossips for me but an insight how to get in the good books of these people. Things which are actually useful for first generation lawyers like us. My phone suddenly starts vibrating.

I am sorry. Its a call from one of the associates.

Go ahead and he smiles, why does he have to smile like that.

The associate is calling me, there is some work and I have to go.


I leave for the courtroom and I spot the associate who called me. My work there was to transcribe the court proceedings for our matter. I thought that the arguments will go for an hour at max, however, its been three hours now and my fingers are paining from typing this fast. Why isn't there any other intern to support me. My mind again and again wanders off to James and how he smiled and his voice and his laughter. God this is not good. And now I realised he is nowhere to be seen and in the haste I forgot to take his phone number. I hope I see him tomorrow.

The day ends with my fingers legit screaming for rest after five hours of arguments. At this point I have no idea what they have argued about. This was a next to impossible task to do but somehow its over now. Handing over the note I leave for my home and it is to be noted that after the little chit chat on coffee I have not seen James. I am 80% sure at this point that he is a serial killer.  

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