Chapter 9

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Almost a week has passed and I haven't seen him at court. Why did I not asked for his number that day. I can definitely stalk him on linkedin you know but that's not enough. Since that day I have not been able to concentrate on work properly.

Further, my co-interns are equally irritating and pathetic. God Jonathan should respect the fact that he is in a committed relationship. These people are so irritating, it feels like I am working with a couple who believes in extreme PDA. or is it just the jealousy speaking because I have no good guy friends. Why cannot I let any boy get so close to me. I have no idea as to whatever i am so afraid of. My train of thoughts is interrupted by the notification sound of my phone. And I realised shit I forgot to keep my phone at silent.

Hiii, how are you?? A text from Matt

A little surprising for me but okay

Hello, I am good. Wbu?

Fine as well. Thought I would check on you..haven't talked in long.

Aww so cute. Thanks for the concern by the way

What are you upto these days? I asked

Nothing much, just the routine stuff.

Relatable. So no interesting stories?

Apart from the fact that I was friendzoned by a very beautiful girl, no :)

You and your dramatic ass.

I am the one who is  dramatic? Srsly

"So you are a heart breaker huh" And suddenly I am on alert. It's the same voice I have been craving to hear from the past week. I look to my left and there he is, Him standing at my left, staring with those eyes and I am gone. How can someone be so beautiful and hot at the same time. I am pretty sure I look extremely stupid and flabbergasted. But I try to compose myself as quickly as possible.

Intruding into someone's privacy, not a good look on character is it?

And he huffs, why did he did that, this is illegal so illegal. You are so smitten over me aren't you?

Now it's my time to cough, smitten seriously and me, no way how can he read me so well shitt!!!

And there it is again the staring game. I am determined to win this time. I cannot embarrass myself further. Five minutes, none of us move, seven minutes...and now I am undressing him with my eyes his coat, his shirt, my hands everywhere and this does not seem good.

Oh god I will fucking kiss you if this goes for any longer James said in a very hushed tone.

Who's smitten now I say smirking.

I will ignore that for a while, we need to get out of here first.

Yes, I agree.

He asked me to meet me behind the old building after fifteen minutes and stormed out of the courtroom. I wait for a good ten minutes before I leave the place and I am dying with the excitement and anticipation actually. I reach the place and see him, standing taking support from the wall, face towards the ground and one leg touching the wall behind with both the hands in his pants. And he is so fucking pretty, his silhouette, his shadow everything is so pretty.

As soon as he sees me he tenses a little bit and stands straight, waiting for me to go to him. I take my sweet time to walk towards him studying his face, studying the impatient look in his eyes. As I reach near him he checks me out from top to bottom and then up. Undressing me with those blue eyes of his.

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