5) The Bad Boy's Girl

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The Bad Boy’s Girl.

Reads: 7,393, 353+

Votes: 105,263+

Comments: 17,366

Description: Hi,my name is Tessa O'Connell and I know a boy who: -Frustrates me to no end -Argues with me all the time -Likes going through my underwear drawer -Steals my (supposedly cleverly hidden) stash of Kit Kats -Calls me shortcake even though I'm 5'7 -Makes me cry like a baby -Has an unhealthy obsession with my personal life BUT he also happens to be my guardian angel and somehow I've started to (almost) like him...SHOCKER? **Not the huge cliche it sounds like, I promise. I just suck at coming up with sophisticated non-cliche titles :)

Review: When the writer says that she sucks at titles, I believe her.The description and title make this story sound just so cliché, that the readers tend to lose interest in it. But those who do, are losing on all the fun! This book is just the perfect example of how a story should be written. Everything is written just so perfectly, in a humorous way, that the readers gets more and more curious and desperate to read more. Every line of this story has some sarcastic remark or humour which makes the story more and more amazing.  The writer’s definitely talented and has done a great job in writing this story.

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