The other woman

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- The other woman, will never have his love to keep -




I shut off my alarm, groaning as I rubbed the sleep out my eyes.

September 1st, probably one of the worst times of year. Not saying I don't enjoy school, I used to, but it's just not the the same after that.
I got up and slipped into my slippers, trudging along to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair while still pretty much half asleep. I just did what I would do any other school morning, made my bed, and got changed into my usual outfit, which consisted of a pale grey sweater and white polo shirt, accompanied with either a plaid skirt or leggings. I checked the time on my phone, 7:47am. I usually leave at 8, but bridgettes picking me up today, so no need to worry about walking. I walked downstairs to see my dad glued to his work laptop as per usual, and my mom at the counter making breakfast.

"Morning sunshine!" My mom said happily.

"What's up?" I said confused as she passed me a price of toast with strawberry jam slathered over it.

"Well, me and your father have another work trip, so we'll be gone for a month," she said, looking at the kettle.

"Again? Seriously? You only just got back though" I muttered.

"Yes honey, but work is work," my dad said without looking up.

I sighed, "mkay," I finished up my piece of toast and pulled on my usual green converse. Then there was the familiar honk of Bridgettes car coming from outside.

"Gotta go, see you..?" I started

"In October, we leave at 2pm" my mother said.

"Right, okay, see you then" I said nonchalantly

I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, bridge waving at me.

"Heya court! What's with the long face?" She said cheerfully, "is it about what happened in July? Because I'm sure everyones forgotten"

"That partly, but my parents are on another work trip, for a month this time," I sighed

"Oh, that sucks," she said, putting an arm around me, " I mean, at least you get the house to yourself!"

"Yeah, guess so" I said, and rolled down the window, and there they both were. Gwen and Duncan, my ex and my ex best friend. And ex girlfriend. It's complicated. They both made me the laughing stock of wawnakwa high in July, and I'm afraid it'll stick. Look I'll explain, back in march, me and Duncan started dating. It was the best, and I really hoped it would last. Untill I found out in June that Duncan was also dating my best friend. Gwen begged for forgiveness and said how much she regretted being the "other woman". She wouldn't leave me alone, she cried and pleaded for another chance, saying she didn't mean to play a part in hurting me. I ended up forgiving her. Then we got closer. And started dating late June. I dated the "other woman", and it was so stupid to do so. Gwen was dating Duncan still behind my back, apparently they never stopped dating. And then started the rumours. In the lovely month of July I was ridiculed Infront of everyone, notes in my locker, death threats, all because of a few rumors saying i had slept around with a few people. Newsflash: I hadn't. People just believe anything, but I just hope everyones forgotten and moved onto the next thing.

I guess it just hurts seeing your childhood best friend with your first love

"Courtney??? Courtt? We're here!" Bridgette tapped on my shoulder, "How much sleep did you get last night?"

I sat up, "like, a normal amount"

"Normal amount being??"

"6 hours, basically enough"

"You need to get more, court, you'll end up falling asleep in class again, don't forget the last time when Mrs O'Halloren gave you a detention in drama for falling asleep" Bridgette droned on.

"Yeah sure, don't act like your not up till 3 calling Geoff" I said, giggling a little

"Right, Geoff, we broke up in August" she muttered

"Oh, sorry bridge, why didn't you tell?" I asked.

"You had your own problems, it just felt selfish,"she said, " and plus, we're still friends anyway,"

"Well at least you're on speaking terms," I said, then got out my phone to check the time,"homerooms in like..5 minutes, we should probably actually get into school" I reminded her while unbuckling my seatbelt.

"What do you have first period?" She asked

"English with Mrs Walker, you?"

"Same, see you then?"

"See you then."


761 words

Ew gwuncan

Anyways, Noah's POV next jsndhcc

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