fym we had homework

65 4 24


- harness your hopes on just one person -

Maybe I was wrong.... I think Wawnakwa high might have more drama than Bayview. Sure we've had a suicide cleanup, but cheating scandals are way more interesting.  Anyways....it's Monday tomorrow. Big bummer. Why does school have to exist?? Like I get I need a job but.....AIs taking over anyways..





"I GET IT!" I yelled.



I slammed down on my alarm and sat up in my bed. I don't feel like going to school today. uhhhhhhh. I actually kinda have to. Dammit. Just 5 more minutes.




I groaned, who could be calling? It's like...6am. i picked up my phone while still being half asleep and answered.

"hey Cody, where are you dude? it's like, 8:15." the familiar voice of Harold asked down the line.

"8AM?!" I yelled, opening my eyes widely, "I- I LITERALLY BLINKED."

"it's actually 8:16am, and, sucks to be you dude."

"I GOTTA GET CHANGED! UH, BYE!" I clicked the red "end call button" and jumped out of bed. where are my clothes...
Y'know, screw it, I'll just wear yesterdays. I ran my fingers through my hair and wet it while brushing my teeth. I tapped my leg as I checked the time. 8:20.... I'm gonna get a late detention. Dammit.


"Cody Anderson?" The elderly form teacher called out, "Cody Anderson?"

"He's gonna be late, sir," Harold informed, slept in"

The teacher sighed,"another late detention, that's the second one this month" he muttered as everyone continued the yap fest.

--- (guys another time skip okay leave me alone it's almost 3am)

I finally arrived at the school. A grand.... 20 minutes late. Great! An after-school detention and an after-school beating! Lovely.

I walked into my English classroom as everyone turned to face me.

"And why are you late, Mr Anderson?" My teacher turned to ask me.

"Uhh, woke up late"

She sighed, "late detention for you this afternoon, Anderson, you should be used to it. Oh, right, go sit next to... Noah, I've had to move Izzy into your spot since she kept biting people"

"Oh, uh, sure okay" I responded, keeping my head down.

"Right, as I was saying-" and Mrs Walker continued droning on about dreadfully boring English subjects. I mean, at least I have someone to talk to, or so I thought. How could someone be so interested in  English, we literally speak it. Maybe something else's on his mind.

"Hey" I whispered sharply, "you good?"

"Hm?" Noah replied, "oh, yeah I'm fine."

"Okie dokie!"

He rolled his eyes.

Oh great. We have to write a poem about fall. Rhyming is NOT my strong suit. I mean, anything relating to English isn't my strong suit.

"Why's rhyming so hard," I groaned, laying back in my chair

"It's not, but sure," noah said flatly, not looking up from his sheet.

"Oh really? Then tell me a word that rhymes with....uhh...pavement!"

"Depravment,ailment,engravement, I could go on and on," he rolled his eyes

"You're lucky you're good at English," I sighed.

"..I kinda speak it..soo" he glanced over at me, "last time I checked, so did you "





PE next. Please, please please be dodgeball.
I walked over to the changing rooms eagerly.

"Hey sir, what are we doing today?" I asked as I walked in.

"Mrs Spittles not in today for the girls, so dodgeball again." He sighed

"Yes! Okay!"


The 60 of us were layed out in 6 lines. If you can't tell, I love dodgeball!!

"Okay, red team, you're up against green," Chef  bellowed.

"Blue against yellow, black against non bibs" he continued, "well, don't just stand there, go to you're courts! ...maggots"

The 60 of us trudged over to our sides. Since dodgeball in this school is usually 9 a side, one had to sit out. Guess who was sitting out on the non bibs team. Yep, making our team decision easy was Noah, usually picked last in PE because he can't be arsed, filed a complaint because chef had them use baskets instead of a normal dodgeball. You know the guy. Harold was sitting out on the black team, despite his protests.

"GOSH! You guys have no appreciation for my mad skills!" He yelled

"K dorkis" Duncan snickered


Our team, unsurprisingly lost. We weren't winning with Duncan and Courtney on the same team anyway, despite the frequent arguments, they shared a hate for our lovely little team of Me, Noah, Ezekiel, Katie, Beth, Sadie, Gwen and Lindsay. Lets just say, none of us are athletic superstars.
Obviously, we lost every match, and came sixth. I could've been good on a different team! Not complaining about Gwen on our team though.


811 words

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