When you're with them

184 5 45

TW: faggotry


- It's the same old situation, you've always got me waiting -

Soooo I got lost first lesson which is depressing BUT heather came and found mee! I love heather, she's the best cousin ever. I was sat next to this guy called Trenton, Trent for short. English was an okay lesson, but I'm more for science. Lucky I have science last lesson. Wait, do I? I can't really remember. But unfortunately I have pe next. Hopefully, crossing my fingers it's dodgeball!! I'm ace at Dodgeball. The bell rings after a pretty boring lesson and I get to the changing rooms before anyone else. I guess I didn't get the 'be ten minutes late' memo. Some kids are talking in the corner, heather told me to steer clear of the one will a green mowhawk, but the other two, I think JD and Jeff??, were cool. Jeff's a party animal and JDs the kindest person ever, in Heather's words. Odd since I've never heard her compliment someone. Maybe she has a thing for him. But then again the Spanish dude was eyeing her weirdly in homeroom and I could've sworn she blushed. Heather also told me about all the drama that went on before summer break,and damn, I thought Bayview high was the gossip capital. Green mowhawk dude is looking my way and from experience (and movies) baddd thing. I looked away quickly and rushed out the room. Next time, I am never being on time. Luckily, Heather's standing outside, talking to this scrawny short dude. Well, he's taller, but only by about 5 inchesss.

"Oh, hey Cody," Heather said looking over to me, "this is Noah, my friend"

"Hey- OW"

"HEYYYYYYYYYYYY!" A ginger girl jumped onto Noah.

"KILL Y0URSELF GET OFF ME GET OFF ME oh hi Izzy" Noah collected himself, "fuck you"


(the urge to put 😭 is tempting)
Heather sniggered

"I second that, what the fuck iz" Noah stared at her

"...uhh hi!" I said awkwardly, "I'm Cody!"

"HI CODYYY!!!!" she said enthusiastically.

I looked over to my side, for any sign of Trent, the guy was actually pretty chill! And he has a band! I've always wanted to join a band. Instead of my eyes meeting Trent, a hot goth chick with dyed blue hair walked past. I was practically drooling.

"Yeah don't drown in your drool honey, she's taken by mowhawk inside there," Noah snapped his fingers

"Goddamnit" I sighed

"Plus, trust me codes, you don't wanna get into her, she's way too drama involved," Heather added.

"But in Bayvie-" I started

"I don't care what you did in Bayview, don't even try it" she snapped

"Fine" I said in defeat




We all talked for a little, before the rest of the teens swarmed around the changing rooms. Apparently they were both locked, which is odd since mowhawk and....ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. I get it. Doing delinquent thingys. It took a good five minutes for the coach to get another key, all for him to announce girls and boys were together.

"...sport of the term, dodgeball.." he droned on. That earned a few cheers from everyone, including me. Except Noah though.

"Are you kidding me?" He groaned, " I should've just left my phys Ed kit at home"

Everybody gathered inside to get changed, and went to the hall once finished.

"blah blah blah" that's all I heard when 'chef' (as they called him) gave us teams. I was on a team with a girl called Courtney, she looked competitive enough, a purple haired girl who had introduced herself earlier in English, Noah, and a few other people. We could totally win this!

"Gophers, you have one extra person, so please volunteer someone to sit this round out." Chef announced

"Oh gee, this is a tough one, but for the sake of the team, I'll sit out" he mock sighed.

"Good enough," Courtney said. Shed obviously appointed herself team captain.


One round in, we won, duh. Second round was just starting and the bad thing was mowhawk had a dodgeball. Well, basketball, this school was cheap. He looked right at me. Oh shit. As soon as the whistle blew the ball came flying at me. I ducked out of instinct, ball to nose is not on my bucket list. Unfortunately for someone on the sidelines, Noah was the victim of mohawks powerball.
He fell flat onto the floor, and his nose was bleeding pretty bad.

"ughh," he groaned, "fuck you Duncan"

'duncan' went to high five Geoff, " even better dude!" He laughed.

Okay, so now I see the dangers of dodge-incrediblyhardbasket-ball, and to prevent being victim number two, I decided to go with me (hopefully) new friend, Noah, and accompany him to medical.

(TW: faggotry)


"You okay?" I asked in concern

"Just wonderful," he groaned, clutching a tissue to his nose, "break my nose was not on today's agenda"

"Wait do you think it's actually broken????" I asked.

"Well, probably not, but sure feels like it."

"Where's medical again?"

"You're supposed to be taking me, Sherlock"

"First day, newwww"

"Ugh, cmon then"

Noah led me to somewhere that didn't at all look like a medical office, but maybe Canada's different to America!

"Doesn't look like a nurses office," I murmured

"ooo congrats detective, you've cracked it. me and the nurse have beef after I pointed out her gray hairs, so I'm afraid if I go to said office I won't get actually taken care of," he said nonchalantly.

"So we're skipping????" I said, "isn't that a detention,"

"Not if you get caught," he smirked

"ohhhhhhhhhhh, okay"

Noah leaned against the trunk of a tree, pretty hidden by the bushes. If I was being honest, thats probably one of the only trees in this school building, since the wawankawa area seems to be so polluted.

"Your nose is still bleeding pretty bad, you need to jus-"

"Im fine, Cody, you can go back if you want"

"noooo I'm getting you tissues"

"And if you get caught?"

"Bad cold and the teachers are too cheap to buy a tissue box" I shrugged.

"Well ok," he said, tilting back his head.

"noo don't do that," I said again, "just tilt it slightly like..." I put my hands on his face and brought it down a bit. His face seemed to heat up, but then again, it's pretty hot outside,"..this, it can't be tilted too much or you could choke,"

"Right..okay, uhhh be quick" he said, stumbling over his words.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion, but walked over to what I'm hoping is the right way to the bathroom.


1119 words


I changed my mind next chapter is Noah's POV I wanna continue this silly noco NOCO NOCO NOCO NOCO

Also I was too lazy to write the bit again where sierra breaks into his house so it does happen but I ain't writing it again

Plus then Noah's chap won't make sense


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