you suck!

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- I hope we're still friends yeah, hope you don't mind -

So how should I begin this?

I've been best friends with Zoey since birth, basically. Her mom is my mom's best friend, and so and so. We grew up together, despite me being a year older. She was good friends with Courtney in middle school up to may this year. She stood by my side through all that drama and I'm grateful for that. But now is not the time for me to be 'grateful'. That bitch slept with my boyfriend. I thought I could seriously trust her aswell . And she's been hiding it from me this whole time? I used to be able to trust her with my life but now i don't know. You know, I hate that stupid rumor spreading vlog, and I have the right mind to report it. But seeing as all these pathetic weirdos need their daily dose of drama, it would send me plummeting down the chain of popularity. This school, it's like an offbrand mean girls.
Now, Duncan. I'm gonna snap that whore in half. Or leshawna can.

"Girl! Slow down a little-" Leshawna puffed, "Girl!! C'mon, I'm sure it's just a nasty rumor.." she trailed off. It sure wasn't a rumour. Sierra knows everything about everyone.

"I can't believe she would do that.." I said quietly.

"Me neither girl, but our current problem is juvie over there." she guestured over to Duncan.

I stormed over towards the green haired ogre, he was hanging around his stupid friends. Seems none of them told him, they're kinda just there.

"Hiya princess," he said aggravatingly, "what brings you here?"

"I'm not your 'princess'"I spat.

"You haven't heard? Oooo you're in trouble," Leshawna folded her arms


"Check the blog, Duncan," DJ said, half whispering.

He pulled out his phone hastily and pressed on Tumblr. You could practically see his heart drop when he read it all.

"Look princess-"

"I'm not your fucking princess," I kicked him in the shin.

"Ah-" he winced, clutching his leg, " look Gwen, it was just one time..-"

"I'm breaking up with you, you fucking cheater"

"What? Look Gwen, we can sort this out- you're overreacting"

I curled my hands into a fist. Overreacting? OVERREACTING?

"oooo you done for" Leshawna tutted


"Look Gwen you can't break up with me-" he reasoned.

"I can and I am. Prick."

"I can't believe this!" He said dramatically

"WOMP WOMP" Noah yelled from across the student lounge.

"Well, you did sleep with her best friend" DJ said

"Shut it deej."


Now everywhere I go, they all seem to know my name. It's like I'm famous, but for a terrible reason.

Is this how Courtney felt?

Class of 2009Where stories live. Discover now