
120 6 34

Gwen next I think

heather's serving cvnt


-  Bitch, you know I'm sexy 😍 -

I just got off the phone with a sobbing Courtney. Noah said some shit, but then again, that's literally just Noah saying whatever petty shit comes to mind. I genuinely thought we left this in July, surprised Gwen hasn't gotten involved or anything. I know Cody thinks Bayview is like, drama capital or something, but no one's died yet so unfortunately we're not gonna make the news any time soon. I laid down on my silk bed sheets and stared at my ceiling. It's been a day. What would be logical is me staying out of this, but nowadays, what is logical? Unsurprisingly, today was the most tiring one I've had in a while, so I can't imagine what Courtney feels like. Just as I think that, my ringtone plays. It it Courtney again? I picked up my phone, and Cody's stupid gap toothed grin appears on my screen. I swipe up to answer, met by Cody's voice.


"Hey codes"

"Do you know noahhhhh"


"Do you know duncannnn"

"Where are you going with this"

"Can't you like, leak one of his secrets or something"

"What did he do?" I said sternly

"Punch Noah"



"He's an asshole"

"When I talked to him he was nice enough!"

"Maybe he's gay for you"


"Joking Cody"


"Is that all you called me for??"


I sighed, "Bye Cody"


I set down my phone and flopped down onto my bed. This is gonna be a long year. I mean, its not like duncan is exactly even my friend...it wouldn't hurt to mix the drama up a bit..


Beep Beep Beep~

6:30 am. I slip out my bed and walk sleepily to the washroom. I do my usual AM skincare and brush my teeth. Self-care before anything. I picked out a cute outfit, a red vest over a white polo shirt and a black skirt. Shoes were the usual sandal-heel wedges. After I did my hair (brushing and straightening it) I trudged downstairs and made some breakfast. Nothing special, just oats and yoghurt. It was about 7:30 AM when I got a notification from my phone.


Have we git a test today?? I forgt



No dumbass


It's tmr



PHEW ◉⁠‿⁠◉

I sighed and put down my phone. Kind of regretting my decision on feeding sierras shittalk blog. I mean, ill bring popcorn..-



After the most boring session of Mr Whitaker droning on about some sciency shit, it was break. Finally. I went to sit in the lunchall with my usual friends, Doorknob and Train tracks. Cody said he would be joining us but seems he's gone off to his boyfriend. Joking, obviously. I wonder when Sierra's gonna spill that shit.
As if right on cue, the synchronized sound of everyones phone going off hit the room.
This, was gonna be good.

Sierra's Shittalk Session

Just a week in, and we've already got some drama to spill?? Damn wawnakwa, y'all are good. Today's info-feeder, like every one of you pussies, has decided to keep anonymous. Probs the best, this one is a real friendship ruiner. So, the latest gossip at wawnakwa: Everyones (least) favourite juvinile has been sleeping around, unsurprisingly, we all know what happened last April. But this time's just cruel.. looks like at GA's latest KILLER party, ZW had a little too much to drink, and somehow managed to wake up in DTs bed! What a coincidence! Poor GI, huh, juvie can't stay committed. Anyways, have you guys seen the new kid, he's SOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!


Seriously dudes? I don't evrn know what goin on at my own partays now? Not coool!


Can this school calm down for a bit??? Also, what does Duncan's sleeparound life have to do with Cody? Stalkerlicious




I literally told sierra this shit and I'm still shocked. Girl knows how to do her shit. At least goth girl gets what she gets.


"Gwen I swear- this isn't true! I wouldn't"

"Yeah. Totally. Backstabbing boyfriendfucker"


"Fuck off" Gwen stood up and half ran out the cafeteria. Womp womp wommmpppp. Ghetto glamour follows her to like, check up on her or some shit.

"O.m.g, that's, like, soooo messed up!" Lindsiot said

"I knowww! I would never do that to your and Tyler!!" Train tracks replied

"Awhhh really!!! I wouldn't do that to you and..."



I groaned. I hate this school


751 words


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