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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Y/n has a twin sister and her sister has a best friend, Emma Myers, the two growing up together and Y/n admiring Emma from the side-lines developing more and more of a crush.

anyone else find their sister's friends really hot? or am i the only one that has severly struggled with this?



Y/n's POV:

(5 years old)

I'm sitting in my room, playing my game on my PS4 while I hear a knock on the door. No one's home of course apart from my sister and she told me that if anyone knocks at the door, I'm to get it. I sigh, pausing it and get up, leaving my room and heading downstairs. I reach for the keys and unlock the door, opening it.

"Oh, hey, you." Emma greets me, smiling widely at me. "Mom, Dad, this is Cara's little sister, Y/n." She introduces me, I smile at them and wave.

"Hi, hi." I greet them, her dad chuckling and waving at me.

"Hey, where's your mom and dad?"

"They—They left so—so they could get nice snacks. Come in." I say, moving the door open further and letting them in.

Emma is my twin sister's best friend and I think she's really cute, but I then got annoyed because my sister managed to notice her first and befriend her. It feels like when you scrape your knee in the driveway, especially since my sister's always telling me and yelling how she wants us to have separate lives. She wants nothing to do with me.

"Come in." I tell her, excitedly, opening the door further with a slight grunt. Why the door so heavy? Gr. I want to look strong, not weak. Be better!!

"Thanks, Y/n." Emma replies, patting my head and smiling as she steps inside. I wait for her parents to come in and I see Mom and Dad speed-walking toward the door, bickering.

"Mama—! Mama!" I call on her, Mom hearing me and looking at me, I point behind me and she rushes over quicker, Dad giggling behind her.

"Hello! Hi, hi, sorry. We just..." Mom begins, embarrassed as her cheeks flush pink and glances around the living room panicked in case there's anything telling about how lazy we are when it comes to cleaning— well I'm lazy, I just shove stuff under my bed and call it day but Dad says he has supervision and can see if I do that so I have to hide it elsewhere.

"Was getting more food, that's okay." Emma's mom assures her, before pointing at the bag. "Is there more? Can I help?"

"Uh, no. No! It's fine. Come on, Honey, back upstairs." Mom tells me, smiling down at me and ruffling my hair slightly.

"But—" I begin, pointing toward Emma but Mom lightly taps my hand down and gives me that short stare of 'don't be rude, love'.

"—Come on, my flower." Mom tells me, setting the bag down and holding my hand as she helps me up the steps that are just too intimidating for me to climb. "Emma? You wanna go see Cara?"

"Yes, please." Emma replies, excitedly, walking up the stairs with ease while Dad comes in and greets Emma's parents and begins to introduce himself as he shuts the door and invites them into the kitchen.

"I'll put the things out!" Dad shouts to Mom who just hums. Mom knocks on Cara's door and opens it two seconds later.

"Honey, your friend's here." Mom informs her, letting Emma pass.

"Emmy!" Cara exclaims excitedly and jumps off of her bed and over toward Emma, the two hugging before they go further into Cara's room to probably play with her new Barbie toys.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now