You Belong to Me... 2

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A/N: Pip x Reader



INSPO: Killing Eve + The Diner



Pip's POV:

I freeze, watching as she walks over to me and sits beside me. The blood on my hands from yesterday still lingering as I tried to save Carl and make it look like I found him like that. The police interviewed me and has been interviewing people  all day.

I watch as Y/n sits beside me, exhaling softly and itching her eyes. I stare at her, my heart racing. I notice her turn her head and glance at me, before meeting my eyes. Her eyes soften and she grins.

"Pip." She calls on me, softly, I can't get myself to say anything, stuck looking into her eyes. "You're staring."

"We need to talk." I state, firmly, noticing her inhale sharply.

"Ooh, yikes. I'm a bit busy at the moment, when're you—?"

"—Y/n." I state, disgusted. Her name having a bitter taste on my tongue now that I know what she's capable of. She grins.

"Pip." She responds, in a soft whisper. Inching closer to me, glancing between my eyes and my lips. My heart begins to race, faster and faster. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"You know exactly what you're doing."

"I have no clue, darling." She responds with a shrug, her grin widening into a smile. I roll my eyes, going to tell her off—

"Miss L/n." Mr Richards calls on her, calmly.

"Yes?" She asks, her eyes staying on me.

"You're needed, again." He informs her, she hums, nodding, lifting her back.

"I will see you around." She tells me, walking away from me and out of the room. Talking to police officers as if they are her best friends.

How can she just do that?!


I'm wearing an outfit that I never would wear that is also subtle, matching it with a cap. I'm following Y/n, watching what she's doing, trying to figure out why she killed Carl. What made her do it? Did someone make her do this? Or is she happily doing it because she wants too? Did she know that Carl was up to shady business?

There's so many questions that I have for her that she would avoid and not answer. Especially if it was me asking them.

I head into the same shop that she went into, scanning the clothes, looking for more outfits that I can get and put on when trying to follow and stalk Y/n. I have to admit though, she's a difficult person to keep up with. She blends in well with the crowd. Just an average looking person.

I look in her direction, seeing her go into the changing rooms. I don't know what takes over me but I follow after her, glancing at the ground then lifting my head. Where'd she go?

I glance around, not seeing her shoes in any of them. I turn around, seeing her standing over me.

"Pip... nice seeing you here." She greets me, taking my hat off and inspecting it, finding the listening device. She chuckles. "Sceptical little devil you are." Shit. "I applaud you." She says, tilting her head from left to right before sighing softly. "However, you want to make it in the least obvious places, like..." She tugs me into a changing room, shutting the door, and moving my t-shirt up, placing it on my bra. I watch her, stunned, my eyes sticking on her with my mouth slightly opened. My eyes progressively getting more and more hooded. "there." She drops my t-shirt, patting my chest. "That's loads better."

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