the date

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Bad's POV:

skeppy invited me to walk with him around a park. To take a break from all the demon stuff happening..I'm pretty sure it's a date though. Pat said she'd come but skeppy insisted she should stay. "OK. Whatever. I'm trusting you, diamond." Pat said while glaring at skeppy. The look in skeppy's eyes makes me think he's still terrified of her...

Skeppy's POV:

SO..I UH...TECHNICALLY...ASKED BAD OUT..he doesn't know it's a date I don't think..I'm pretty sure he just thinks it's a friendly walk between best buds.

No one's POV:

bad walks into skeppys room to tell him he's ready to leave and sees him on his bed, shaking with his hands over his head, looking like he's about to have a break down.

Bad's POV:

oh this poor man...

No one's POV:

Bad walks over and takes skeppy's hand off his head. He looks him in his eyes and smiles, his tail swinging as he does so.

Bad's POV:

"Hey..I'm ready, skeppy." I try my best to lay my tail down. He shakes more. "S-skeppy?- are you ok?.." he forms a blush..God I really wish I could forget this man likes me. "Y-YEP!" Skeppy shouts. "Really? Because it doesn't look like it." "PFFTT, IM FINEEE- NOW UH. HOW ABOUT WE LEAVE AND GO ON THAT DA- I MEAN WALK, YEAH, YEAH LETS GO ON THE WALK NOW!" I knew he asked me on a date. He just couldn't bring himself to say it. He stands up walks out of the room, still shaking and blushing. "Ok.."

No one's POV:

bad stands up and follows skeppy out of his room. He hugs sapnap, daisy, and says bye to pat. Pat says bye back and gives skeppy a glare.

Skeppy's POV:

I took the angel knife with me, just in case..I really hope we don't have to use it though. We left the house and despite, my fear of the thing, if me or bad have to use it, we will. We reach the park and sit down on a bench. We talk and bad brings up she's like a mother to him. Seeing him all worked up like that makes me so happy. God I love this man so much. Too bad he doesn't love me..I don't..think.

Bad's POV:

THIS BOY IS KILLING ME! I like him? Does HE like ME!? I-I DONT GET IT! It's just the things that have happened over the past few months..I mean, we kissed at least twice from what I remember. But then was mistletoe.. but I gave him hints..or did I? I- HE gave ME hints. I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND! DOES HE LIKE ME!?..I'll just keep talking about daisy and get my mind off of this..

(Word count: 483 this included)

the diamond and demon(SKEPHALO STORY)Where stories live. Discover now