the apology

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No one's POV:

Skeppy has been gone for around a week now, living with Scott and Skipper. Bad hasn't been the same without skeppy, but instead of swirling back into drinking, he thought maybe he'd take skeppys advice. He spent more time with sapnap, tried to spend more time pat, and tried to convince daisy to take some days off. And the whole time, one thing was in the center of his mind. "Skeppy". He was doing all of this for him, with the small chance he might come back sooner. Pat was against it.

Pat's POV:

that fucker better not come back. He left my brother, after yelling at him. He HURT him. If he ever comes back, I will make sure he regrets it. "Bad, you need to just let him go. He hurt you. I don't understand what you see in him." I really hope bad sees what I mean. They're a bad fit for each other. "But, sis...I..he was my only friend in school, and even if he called us "a family of freaks" He's part of this family. He's a freak too you know.." hm. Never thought I'd hear him call skeppy a freak. "Yeah, a really ugly one." "SIS! You know he's self-cautsious about being part diamond. He literally REMOVED a piece from his FACE because he thought it looked ugly." "Pfft. Good." "PAT!"

Skeppy's POV:

I've been seeing bads posts on social media. I haven't liked any of them. He does seem to be spending more time with all of them...but he doesn't smile in the photos. Maybe I will go home and check up on him. Yeah..yeah I think I'll do that.

Skippers POV:

Well it's been fun to have my twinnie back for a while, but he has to go home eventually. Today I saw him packing. I helped him and he said he's leaving tomorrow. Told him to visit more. He said he'll try.

Scott's POV:

Skeppy's leaving tomorrow. He hasn't gotten any sleep except some 30 minute naps every now and then. The rest of the day he sits on his air mattress, in a red hoodie that smells sweet..kinda like muffins, and scrolls on his phone, sometimes I hear him cry or sniffle. He smiles at most of the pictures though. I can never see what he's looking at, he doesn't show me or skipper.

No one's POV:

Skeppy stays up all night, scrolling through bads social media and picturing himself in them. He finally falls asleep and wakes up hours later, it felt like minutes. He goes back to sleep as it was only 5AM. It's finally morning and skeppy wakes up to the smell of freshly cooked eggs, bacon, and...muffins?

Skeppy's POV:

The smells like Bad. It makes me happy kinda. Well, it won't be long until I won't need smells to remind me of him! I'm going home today. I walked out of skippers room and into the kitchen. It's COLD on her floor. Like, yeah, I have an air mattress but still, it's COLD. "Hey, darling! Skipper took your things and put them next to the door. But, I made breakfast and I thought you liked muffins because you were wearing a hoodie that smells like them! You can get home safely, right?" I smell the hoodie that I found in bads room before I left. I went in his room so that I could find something of his for comfort if I ever missed him. It smells like him. It was a good pick. I look back up at Scott "Yeah. Yeah, I do. Thanks, big bro." I take a muffin. He even knew chocolate chip was my favorite..."you're welcome, dar-" he was cut off by skipper..."SKEPPY!!! AAAHHH! YOU'RE AWAKE. OMG!! IMGONNAMISSYOUSOMUCCHHH (I'M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCCHHH)" "s-sis..I'm not leaving yet.." "OH! Ok!" And she just..walks away??

Skippers POV:

Yeah, I'm sad and all that he's leaving, but, he needs to go home eventually. We eat breakfast and he goes into my room to pack his clothes up. Me and Scott wait at the door for him. He walks out, bags still under his eyes. He got hardly any sleep the week he's been here. I hug him and start to annoy him for fun. He's my twin, gotta make the most of his visit! "AAAHAHHHH SKEEPYYYY IM GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCCHHHH. AAAAHHHHH" I start to fake cry. "But, you gotta go home to your boyfriend.." "he's- ugh... he's not my boyfriend..." ppfffttt..."Oh, right! Sorry." "yeah, You should be." "He's your husband! My mistake!" "SKIPPER, DO YOU SEE A RING!?" He held up his hand LOL!

Scott's POV:

Ugh. These two. What am I gonna do with them? "Guys, stop- bye, skeppy. It's been nice having you here! But it's time to go home to your boyfriend." I start messing with him too. But I heard him mutter something under his breath. "Boyfriend? I wish..." hm.. weird. I hugged him and picked at him some more before he left.

Skeppy's POV:

I brought my car. So, you know. As I got in I heard my phone ding. I turn it on and it's a message notification. "Oh! It's the group chat. No one's talked in it all week!" The group chat only has a few people: me, bad, daisy, sapnap, and pat. Sapnap sent into the chat because it was probably the first thing he saw with bad in it, "can someone come pick me up from Karl's house? I'm lost. I tried walking home and now I'm somewhere I don't recognize. The address is...(insert random address)" eh, time to make a return anyway. I'll take the shot. "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. Stay there." "Thanks" he starts typing again. "Wait. SKEPPY!?" welp. I didn't respond after that. I'm gonna go pick him up now, give bad a break. He's probably been spending TOO much time with them.

No one's POV:

Skeppy drives as sapnap spams the group chat with questions. It's been about 5 minutes and sapnap can see Skeppy's car approaching in the distance. He runs up to it.

Sapnap's POV:

HE'S GONE FOR A WEEK, HE DOESN'T TALK TO US FOR A WEEK, AND THEN HE RANDOMLY SENDS ONE MESSAGE TO COME PICK ME UP!? WHAT!? "SKEPPY, I THOUGHT YOU DIED." "Pfft no. I've been staying with my siblings." This dick- "well dad hasn't been the same you know. He's been trying too hard to bond with us and shit. You did some bad damage to him mentally." I get in his car and he starts driving with his sunglasses down. "Dang. Didn't know that." "'s cloudy out- you don't need these on." I lift up his glasses...this guy's eyes have a whole dark eye shadow pallette worth of shadow underneath them. "Dude, have you gotten ANY sleep at all?" He takes his glasses back and puts them on. "I mean, yeah...just not much." "Jesus, dude. That's not healthy." "Yeah, yeah, I don't care. I'll sleep when we get home."

No one's POV:

Skeppy and sapnap drive while chatting a little bit. They reach the house and get out. Sapnap goes inside first as skeppy is mentally preparing himself.

Sapnap's POV:

"Hey, guys!" "Sapnap! How did you get home?" "Uuhhh- someone picked me up." "Who?.." "um. Hm.." skeppy walks in the house finally- Dads expression has no specific emotion. Its mostly joy though I think. He runs up to skeppy and hugs him. It's sweet honestly. "Skeppy! I didn't think you'd come back so soon..." "Hey, bad..I'm sorry. For leaving. I got Over dramatic and it was just the thing I thought of first. I hardly got any sleep. But, I understand if you don't forgive me.." " could I not? I-" he gets cut off by aunt pat..oh boy here we go. "WHERES THAT FUCKER AT!?"

Special thanks to @Whoslvy_ for giving the motivation to finish this!

Word count (this included): 1345

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