Chapter Twenty Two - Looking

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"Sargent Grey," Lopez called, trying to catch up with the watch commander, "I had a look at the footage from the main lobby

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"Sargent Grey," Lopez called, trying to catch up with the watch commander, "I had a look at the footage from the main lobby. No I.D. Just seemed like some kid doing an errand, paper boy maybe."

He stopped in the corridor, brushing his hand over his face in frustration. "Right, okay. Go tell Detective Bradford, liaise with her. See if you can help in any way."

"Already have. She said that she's on the phone with a handwriting analysis to run it through the database and records corresponding to anyone with the initials R.D."

"That'll take forever,"

Angela hummed. "Not exactly. This analysis guy said the writing was female. Already cuts the search in half. It was also in cursive, so we can make the initial assumption that the sender has some form of formal education, if not they are highly intelligent. That's not too many 'R.D''s left to determine. Morgan's also sent it out for prints, see if we can get a hit that way."

"Good work Lopez," Grey said, starting to move towards his office again. "Let me know if you find anything. And tell Detective Bradford to stop leaving her damn coffee cups in my office."

Angela laughed, turning to go back to the detective's bullpen. "Yes, sir."


Lucy looked intently out of the shop window as Tim drove towards his home. He had been so strict on keeping his personal life out of his professional one, but there was something about this boot in particular that seemed to worm her way in everytime. There was something about Chen that made Tim feel comfortable sharing details, no matter how minute they were. Perhaps it was her forever optimistic nature, or the fact that if it weren't for her, he probably never would have found Morgan.

At one point, he had thought about thanking her but he also knew that Chen was well aware of his gratefulness; and that she would never let him live it down if he did thank her. She was like him in that way, he saw a lot of himself in her. Tim knew that she would go far, she just needed a little guidance to get there.

"So this is where you live, hm?" Chen said, breaking the silence that had resided in the shop for the last ten minutes. "Nice neighbourhood. Seems a little out of a cops price range though..."

"Are you really judging my financial status right now, boot?" Tim snapped, although the sting in his voice was barely there. She was right, it was far too pricey for his, or Morgan's, salary. Even if they were combined they would have no chance of getting a mortgage for this area of L.A.

"No, no. It's just that this area is nice. Like nice nice. Not Kardashian nice but like you know."

"Someone was murdered in our house, three people actually." Tim smiled, deciding to ease up on Chen somewhat, afterall, he knew that Lucy would ask his wife and Morgan never spared any detail in this particular story. "We both worked the scene together. Managed to get the price lowered somewhat. Only had to change the floorboards and get a couple drywall boards replaced. Drenched in blood."

Lucy swallowed at the information, nodding along. She turned to look out at the surroundings again as Tim pulled over to the side of the road. "All these houses have a driveway?" She pointed out.

"And?" He said, turning the engine off and getting out of the car, not stopping to listen to Chen's rambling. Slamming the door behind him, he opened his phone, pulling up the copy of the photo Morgan had sent him and moving to the approximate place the photo was taken.

He ended up halfway into his neighbour's front lawn. The exact spot would have been covered by shrubbery lining the edge of the grass, it would explain why they didn't catch a glimpse of their paparazzo this morning.

"Chen," Tim moved from his position on his neighbour's lawn crossing the road towards his home. Calling back towards Chen as he moved, knowing that she would be following him, "Come on, we're going inside. I need to call Grey, let him know that there's nothing here."

"Inside? Like inside your home? I get to see where you live." Lucy babbled on with excitement. If someone had told her on her first day that she would be invited into Officer Bradford's home, she would have laughed in their face. "Oh my god. I get to see how you decorate, this is so cool! I need to tell Jackson."

"I can leave you outside if you carry on." Tim unlocked the door, letting himself in. He held it from the inside letting Chen make her choice.

"Shutting up."


Morgan hung the phone up, moving to continue typing up the current additions to the case report. Her fingers practically slammed into the keys as she typed, annoyance flowing through her. Since she left Grey's office, she had gotten nowhere. No matter who she called, nobody seemed to know anything about who was after her.

It was infuriating, to be so powerless. Knowing that her life hung in The hands of some mad man that she didn't even know the name of would cause most anyone to spiral but she knew that she couldn't afford to lose focus now, not after how far she had come.

Holding back a sigh, she saved the file and reached for her phone. Quickly, she pressed Tim's contact and held it up to her ear, listening as it rang and rang and rang until she reached his voicemail. She hung up before she could leave a message and went back to typing. Only stopping when she heard something placed down beside her.

"Your coffee."

Morgan looked up, seeing Chen standing beside her. She smiled, picking up the travel mug and taking a sip.

"Tim asked me to drop it off. He made it when we went to see if there was anything to see back at your place." Chen leaned against the desk to the right hand side of Morgan's. "He also said to tell you that his phone was nearly dead. He's charging it now."

"Ah okay cool." Morgan took another sip, relishing in the warm vanilla taste. Tim always made the coffee in the mornings, recently he had begun making her lattes with flavoured syrups. Vanilla was her favourite, despite how often Tim said it was the most basic option. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Yeah, actually. There is. I wanted to ask you something..."


"I want to do some UC work after my rookie year. I think that's where I could really thrive and I wanted to know..."

Morgan nodded, finishing Chen's sentence. "If it would be a good fit...? Well as someone who has done it, I think it takes a certain kind of person to be able to do it. Personally, I would never do any more long term assignments. I don't think I'm that person anymore. I lost everything, and I'm still fighting to get it back." She sighed, placing her coffee down on the desk.

Morgan gestured for Chen to pull up a chair before she continued. "Obviously you're still a rookie, and I haven't seen much of you in action. You have got some way to go. But you have that spark and if it's what you want, I could see if I could take you away from Tim for a day. Show you the ropes, go through some old cases of mine. Let you get the feel for it."

"Really? That would be great." Lucy beamed at Bradford's words.

"But you will have to consider if it will be worth it. Look at the mess we're all in because of me. If I hadn't gone on that assignment than-"

"Then it would be someone else that Regina would have gotten revenge on." Tim interrupted, walking over to the two women. He quickly reached for the coffee on the desk, not allowing Morgan the time to slap his hand away before he got a sip. "But the theory was right. It definitely wasn't Regina."

Morgan looked up inquisitively at her husband as he spoke.

"The handwriting analyst made a match throughout the system. I don't know who but Lopez is getting the report now. She'll be here soon. Grey wants us all in the conference room."

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