Chapter Thirty Two - Bartering

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 A few years ago, Central California Women's Correctional Facility:

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A few years ago, Central California Women's Correctional Facility:

Regina Diaz walked with her head held high as she was escorted through the corridors, heading towards the most easterly section of the prison. If she was feeling any semblance of doubt, it didn't show. As the guard led her around the corner towards the unit where the Death Row inmates were held, Regina dusted off her shoulders and straightened her blazer. It didn't take long for her to come to a stop outside the desired cell.

The guard looked down at the woman, annoyed to even have had to make this trip. "Ground rules. No touching, no provoking, no transfer of contraband. If the inmate attacks, attempt to restrain the prisoner, and use suitable force if required. Yell for help." He sighed as he recited the rules of visitation. "And remember Central California Women's Correctional Facility takes no responsibility for any damages acquired during visitation."

"I am aware, thank you very much." She said, her tone leaving no room for question. Regina stepped back slightly, allowing the guard to unlock the cell

The guard just huffed in return as Regina entered the cell, slamming the metal door behind her. She could vaguely hear him call out "10 minutes" as he shuffled away down the corridor.

Regina didn't know what to expect the small cell to look like. If she were to hazard a guess, she would have said that there would have been books and trinkets adorning the surfaces. But there was nothing of the sort, the room was immaculate, almost as if there were nobody living there at all.

The only thing that gave any sign of life was Rosalind Dyer as she stood tall, the orange prison uniform sitting tightly on her frame, as if it was designed to fit her proportions fully.

"Ms. Dyer," Regina said, trying to keep her voice steady. "My name is-"

"A little birdie told me who you are, Ms Diaz. But I suppose we should drop the formalities. Call me Rosalind."

"Okay Rosalind-"

"Great!" Dyer interrupted Regina again. "I'm glad we're on the same page. I know why you've come to me, anyone who is desperate enough would. But I don't know what you want. So please... enlighten me."

Regina tugged on her blazer again. "I am aware that a former... mutual friend of ours has decided to start his own career in mine and my husband's business. But as you know, he can be a bit loose lipped. I need some information on him to ensure he keeps quiet."

"I heard. I'm glad my sources prove reliable." Rosalind smiled, taking a step towards the other woman. "But if I help you, what's in it for me?"

Diaz raised an eyebrow "What do you want?"

"How about a favour? You can just owe me one. And when I call, you deliver. No questions asked."

Regina hesitated for a moment. She knew what kind of woman Rosalind was. And owing her a favour could cause all kind of trouble for herself but desperate times...

"Deal. Now tell me what I need to know."


Two years ago,
Three days before the disappearance

Regina jolted at the cell phone ringing, heart beating fast as she awoke. Quickly, she shot her hand out to the side, answering the call without checking the contact.

"Hello?" She said, her voice heavy with sleep.

"Ah, Regina Diaz. I'm glad you answered so quickly. Time is of the essence after all." The voice chirped out.

She winced at the caller's positivity. "Who is this?"

"Don't tell me you forgot me? It's Rosalind Dyer." The smile was apparently in her voice as she spoke. "Now as I said, I'm rather short on time. I'm calling to collet my favour."

Regina let out a deep breath as fear flooded her veins. The second she had left the prison after meeting Rosalind, she knew she had made a mistake. Her intel had proven right and there was no way she would be able to revoke the deal.

She gritted her teeth. "What do you want?"

"Now, now. Don't be like that. I'm sure you'll enjoy the results of this task. It involves a common enemy. I'm sure you're familiar with the name Bradford."

Regina just hummed, her interest piquing as Dyer continued to talk.

"I heard that she is going on a little undercover operation. See to it that she doesn't return."

"In what sense? I'm many things, but I'm not a mur-"

"I don't care how you do it." She cut off once again, this time her time was harder, more serious. "I want her to disappear. You should be happy I'm asking you to do this. You did say you wanted them to suffer after all."

"How do you know this?"

"I know everything." Rosalind's smile could be heard down the line. "Now, I assume you can handle this? You don't want to know what will happen if you don't. Good luck!"

The phone clicked off as Dyer hung up. Silently, Regina locked the device before her impulses took over. She launched it at the wall, smashing the phone into bits. She barely cast the device a second look as she left her home, a plan forming in her mind

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