The principal (3)

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After Finney left, Griffin just kept flirting with me. But I was zoned out because I was thinking...the principal. "Billy? Biiillllyyyyy? Billy!" He kept calling my name but I didn't hear him. "BILLY!" He screamed in my ear. Like literally. "OW GRIFFIN WHAT? CANT YOU SEE IM THINKING?" I screamed at him. He looked at the ground and put his hands behind his back. "Sorry." I felt bad. "It's okay Griffin." "You didn't let me finish." He said. "Finish wha--" I said until he dropped onto one knee and pulled out jolly ranchers. How did he know that was my favourite candy? "Griffin! I love jolly ranchers!" I said and took them. "I know" he said and got up putting the little box back inside of his locker. "He stood there like he was waiting for something. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his face to kiss him. ON THE CHEEK I PROMISE.

He started blushing like crazy and I just laughed because he's so cute and adorable he looks 5 years old....I sound like a pedophile...nevermind. A boy walked up to me. Again?? "Hey are you Billy?" The boy said. Was I about to get slapped silly or something? "Yeah...why?" I said. "You're the one who wants to....detach the principal?" "Yes that's me....and you are?" I said to him. "Oh shit sorry, I'm Robin. Robin Arellano." He bowed. "You don't have to bow.." "I'm not trying to get detached here." Robin said and I laughed. I gave him a hug. DAYUM he's warm. It just made me want to hug him longer. Until my boyfr--Griffin decided to break us up. "You're hot." I said to Robin. Robin started blushing and laughing "what?" He said in between laughs.

"NO NOT LIKE THAT" I said. "Better not be like that." Griffin said under his breath but me and Robin heard him. "You really do not like me do you? Do we have a problem?" Robin said getting closer to Griffin. "Ye--" "No we don't so don't fight" I said. Finney came up to us limping and a black eye and smiling. "Hey Finn-----what the fuck happened to you?" Robin said. "Oh nothing just got jumped by the nurses because they heard I told everyone in the school they were being brainwashed." He said and after like 2 seconds he smiled. "I be back." Robins voice sounded sharp and harsh. His eyes narrowed and he walked away.

"okay now what?" "Now I will go over to the phone. When Robin comes back just talk to him, I guess." I said to Finney and walked away while they stood there. I went on the the phone and typed in the principals number. It rang and then answered.

Sneaky creepy money seeking always peeping fucking creeping. Got it on the down low, so you think you're always sneaky.

What if I had told your mother...her son was a cruel motherfucker? Huh?

It's not just me it's everybody who thinks that you're fucking ugly when you come and hurt us, just so you can get your money. Forced to follow the leader who's being possessed by demons.

AT THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE (Billy's talking to the principal)

I tried to make you listen but you want it your way, right? Killing kids all day and night? Prescription pills and on-line fights.  Shooting at the angels claiming you're the good guy. All you want, is cash and hype. Fuck our dreams, and that's not right.


The principal, oh, oh, oh. Where's the principal? Oh where's the principal? Oh where's the principal oh, oh, oh, Oh where's the principal, oh where's the principal.

Complicated, overrated, you're fixated, and elated. By the this place that you've created. Fuck all of your rules and guidelines. You shouldn't even be on the sidelines.

Can't you see that we're all hurting? If you're not teaching we're not learning. Excuse me how much are you earning?

I tried to make you listen but you want it your way, right? Killing kids all day and night? Prescription pills and on-line fights.  Shooting at the angels claiming you're the good guy. All you want, is cash and hype. Fuck our dreams, and that's not right.

The principal, oh, oh, oh. Where's the principal? Oh where's the principal? Oh where's the principal oh, oh, oh, Oh where's the principal, oh where's the principal.

You don't know the pain that you are causing. Yeah, your actions hurt, so do your words. The more you try to fuck us over, We will be there yelling at your front door.

I tried to make you listen but you want it your way,


I think the principal is having a heart attack. I don't even have his mom's number. How would I call her? I went over to everyone else but I snuck up from behind while they were walking around....wait....are they fighting about olives? "Olives are disgusting!" "Shut up Robin olives are amazing!" "Not better than Billy's dick" Finney said and started laughing. What the fuck...😭 "your right." Griffin said. I just stopped In my stracks and stood there. "What??💀" I said and they stopped moving and turned around slowly and they don't look like Robin Finney and griffin. BRO THATS A WHOLE NOTHER PERSON I TURNED AROUND AND DIPPED SO FAST but wait didn't she say she liked me?.................BITCH GOODBYE I COULD CARE LESS AND WHY WAS ONE NAMED ROBIN BRO and then I found I think them but turned around again. I closed my eyes. "I swear if this is another group of girls talking about my penis I'm jumping off a bridge.

I said. "What??" Finney said. "THANK GOD" I said and hugged Finney. "You won't believe what just happened." I said, getting serious.


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