Orange juice (9)

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Me and Maria went to the gender neutral bathroom and we stood over to the sinks. "I hate being one of Kelly's minions. I don't even know how I got there in the first place." She said and went over to the wall and sat down leaning her head back. She took the ugly wig off and she was actually brown. "I get it, sometimes I wonder how I even got in this school." I said, sitting next to her. "I'm so glad I met you, Finney. I don't want to stay with those plastics that aren't aware that the school is falling apart and we're being brainwashed." Maria said. She looked pretty tense so I put my hand on her shoulder "look, calm down, they can't do anything with you anymore. I'll make sure of that. And plus, I have some pretty tough friends." I said. I guided her to stand up.

(The lyrics will be copied and pasted because I'm not really familiar with orange juice.)

Oh, oh, stick it down your throat
I'm watching from the bathroom
Making sure I don't choke, choke
From the words you spoke
When you're screaming at the mirror
Now you're sitting in the cafeteria
Shoving clementines and orange bacteria
Down your throat a dozen times a year, yeah
For another 'round of your bulimia
You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Oh, oh, I believe you chose
To blow it on the reading carpet
That's what happens when you're starvin'
Please say that you won't continue
Ordering oranges off the menu
Stuffin' up your mouth like t-t-tissue
The way you look is not an issue
You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ooh, I wish I could give you my set of eyes
'Cause I know your eyes ain't working, mmm
I wish I could tell you that you're fine, so fine
But you will find that disconcerting
You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ

We went back to the lunchroom but it was a giant mess of food, and drinks across the lunch room. We looked around and found everyone. Bruce gestured to go over there. Me and Maria ran over behind the counter. "How did this happen?" I asked. "Um so SOMEONE got bored and threw food at someone." Griffin said, looking at Robin. "What?! Lunch was boring as fuck! It needed some commotion." Robin defended. Maria and I started laughing. Suddenly, the principals son came into the cafeteria. Everyone stopped. "What's going on here? Who started this." He said. It would be hard to hear him if the lunchroom wasn't so quiet right now. "It was that bitch, Vance." Kelly said and pointed at the counter. It wasn't even Vance who started it! Kelly's just stupid. "You, come with me." The principals son said, and Vance walked out of the cafeteria with him. "It wasn't even Vance." Billy said whispering. "Well it's whatever now." Robin said nonchalantly. Not surprising.

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