Show & Tell (4)

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I was walking around the school and of course everyone was staring and whispering. "Is that the golden kid?" And "omg he's so perfect." And next thing I know, there were girls following me, I knew they wouldn't leave unless I was with somebody, but I found this group of boys and they seemed pretty mean but fuck it. I went up to them and they looked at me confused. The girls stopped and rolled their eyes and walked away. "Sorry, they were following me. I'm Bruce yamada." I held out my hand to the brown haired boy. "The golden child?" He said and grabbed my hand, shaking it. I scoffed and he stared at me. " don't like being called that, do you?" The other boy said. This boy had longer hair, it was let out so it looked beautiful. The other boy let go of my hand.

"....No, I just want to be a normal kid that nobody knows." I said. "It's okay, Bruce." The shorter boy said. "....Bruce?" "That's your name isn't it?" He said back to me. He's sassy. "Y...yeah...Bruce....that's..that's me." I said. Sooner the bell rang I went on over to my class, saying bye to the boys. I walked in and everyone's attention turned to me in sync like we were in ballet. I sat down and felt everyone's eyes on me. I slowly put my head down and started shedding tears.

They pull me by my hair, so I don't go nowhere. Tell me you love me but you treat me like I'm never there. You say the cruelest words, you used to break my heart. 'Cuz I'm over here working my ass off.

Why is it so hard to see?


If I cut myself I would bleed.

(Kill me.)

I'm just like you, your like me...?

Imperfect in human, are we?

Show and tell. I'm all display for all you fuckers to see. Show in tell! Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me. Buy...and...sell, like I'm a product to don't sell. Unless you fucked every authority.

They beg and cry for more. He had 'em on the floor! There are strangers taking pictures of me when I ask "no more!" It's really hard for me, to say just how I feel, scared that I'll get thrown away like a banana peel.

Why is it so hard to see?


If I cut myself I would bleed.

(Kill me.)

I'm just like you, your like me.

Imperfect in human, are we-e-e?

Show and tell. I'm all display for all you fuckers to see. Show in tell! Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me. Buy...and...sell, like I'm a product to don't sell. Unless you fucked every authority.

Show and tell......


Show and tell......

Ahem....are you listening yet?

Show and tell (show and tell, baby) I'm on display for all you fuckers to see. (fuckers to see) Show and tell (oh) Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me. Buy and sell...Like I'm a product to society! Art don't sell.

Unless you fucked every author - it - y.

I put my head up because I felt scissors on my hair. I looked back and it was Jason...the boy on the bus. "Can you stop that please?" "No golden boy." He said. I started to get angry. "Please stop it. It's making me uncomfortable." The boy raised his hand and the teacher came. "What's wrong?" The teacher asked. "I am trying to help him understand but he's yelling at me and saying that I'm annoying!" "Wait- what-" I said. "Bruce Yamada! This student is trying to help you! I thought the golden boy was better than this." The teacher said and turned around. Jason slapped me across the face and I'm pretty sure everyone heard it, but nobody moved an inch. He kept hitting me and even slashed me crossed the face with the scissors leaving a bloody scar. and I was screaming but nobody budged. Is everyone suddenly deaf?! I had bruises and I asked to go to the nurses office but the teacher said "No, nothings wrong with you!" She said. Lady....DO YOU SEE MY BLACK EYE AND MY CUTS?! I grabbed a very bubbly soda and opened I quietly and only drunk the bubbles. I waited a few seconds and then started shaking furiously, my eyes rolling to the back on my head as the bubbles from the soda spilled out. The teacher called the nurses and the nurses to me to their office. They looked pretty scary though.

Unless you fucked every authority.

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