chapter 5: dealing with the bandits

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A/n: Hello, my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter of this story! Now let the chapter begin!

Y/n's pov

After we got everything we needed along with getting more info around Iliasberg and gotten some info on a group of monster girls that go by the nickname the Four Bandits, which we got word from a rather interesting woman.


I was walking through the town as Luka and Alice where getting some info form other villagers, until I accidently bumped into a woman with long white hair.

Y/n: Sorry ma'am.

White haired woman: It's fine. Are you a Hero by any chance?

Y/n: Kinda, just not one that's baptized Hero.

White haired girl: I see... Nevertheless, there has been some robberies around the village recently.

Y/n: Really? Is it a Human bandit group?

white haired woman: No, they are a small group of Monster girls. Two of the members that were identified as a dragon and vampire.

This shocks me the know that there was a dragon and a vampire, both really powerful monster types just in sheer power alone. Even Granberia was strong for a Dragonkin type monster girl, even so this group of bandits needs to be taken care of.

Y/n: I see... Me and two of my travelling companions are about to head out to Happiness Village to sort out some trouble there. I'll let them know about the Bandits on the way there.

white haired woman: Please do, so far they only done robberies. The way I see it all they need is a guiding hand to lead them into the right path.

-flashback end-

Y/n: "A guiding hand?"

Luka: Is something wrong, Y/n?

Y/n: No, just repeating something that caught my mind.

Alice: Really? Care to explain.

Y/n: Yeah, a woman with white hair told me some info on a group of four Monster girls calling themselves the "four Bandits."

Luka: Four Bandits? I think some villagers at Iliasberg mentioned them, before we left.

Alice: Yes, that's right and that two of the members were a Dragon and a Vampire. Both are very powerful types of Monsters.

Y/n: I thought the same, I wanted to bring this up when we left Iliasberg to sort things out before planning our next move.

Alice: Good, choice. According to the Inn owner that something happened in that Village, which also halted scheduled deliveries of their Honey for the dango. Also since you two don't want to kill and Y/n will be needing a new sword, so I'll give these swords to you two.

Alice hands me what looks lot be a single edge sword with colors of blue and black, along with feeling some kind of energy emanating from the blade.

Alice hands me what looks lot be a single edge sword with colors of blue and black, along with feeling some kind of energy emanating from the blade

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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