Chapter 1: two adventurers meet Alice

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A/n: hey guys here is the next chapter for this story also I chose this video up top for the opening I was cross between this one or the attack on titan one so I thought this one would work also I did not make this it all goes to the person that made this video now let the chapter begin

Y/n pov

after some running and moving past some trees me and Luka push through further into the forest where we found...

after some running and moving past some trees me and Luka push through further into the forest where we found

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a beautiful woman laying on the ground and not just any woman by the looks of it she appears to be a lamia

Y/n: what happen to her?

Luka: no idea. but from the looks of it she seems like a powerful one.

Y/n: yeah, let's see if she's alright.

Luka: huh!?

I then walk towards the unconscious girl then knelling down and begin to lightly shake her but being not to rough while doing so

Y/n: hello... miss monster are you alive?

I didn't get a response I then looks at the area around her to see some destroyed trees and the ground below the girl dented most likely from the impact for something like that to happen one would have to fall from a great distance 

Y/n: *mutter* just what the hell happen here? what should I do?

Luka: Y/n, what are we going to do? we have to go to the temple soon.

Y/n: yeah but we can't just leave her here. we both want monster and humans to coexist.

Luka: true, but it is an important day that we can't miss but if we don't mess around we can make it.

I decided to help the girl even though she's a monster I'm still going to help her I went to check her face to see if she's still breathing but once I did her eyes open up to reveal beautiful golden amber like color

Y/n: uh... hi?

we both look at each other then the monster girl then shot up I move back a bit giving her some space

monster girl: where am I?

Luka: eh....

monster girl: I said "where am I?"

Y/n: oh, sorry but your in Ilias village.

I answered truthfully seeing no need to try and lie to her since she dosen't seem hostile just curious

monster girl: so I was blown to such a place... that damn girl.... what crazy strngth.

Y/n\Luka: uh... girl?

monster girl: anyway, who are you two?

Luka: apprentice heroine luka, from the nearby Ilias village....

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