6. flat search

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𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨

Chapter Six: Flat Search

As the group exited the classroom, laughter and chatter echoed through the corridor. They strolled down the university halls, sharing thoughts from their first class and animatedly discussing the professors and their classmates.

As they reached the university parking lot, the conversation took a serious turn. Tanya, adjusting the strap of her bag, brought up the topic, "Hey, guys, we need to start looking for flats closer to the university. I mean, driving from far away every day is going to be exhausting."

Karan nodded in agreement, "Absolutely. I've been checking some listings online, and there are a few good options not too far from here. We should start planning our move."

Rhea, leaning against the car, joined in nodding, "Yeah, it'll be so much more convenient. No more early morning traffic jams for us."

"So true, traffic's a bitch," Simran pointed out while she walked towards her motorcycle. Dev, adjusting his helmet, chimed in, "Speaking of travel, Simran and I have our motorcycles for a quick ride. The rest of you with cars, we'll expect you to pick us up on rainy days," he added with a playful grin making Simran laugh, "Oh yes, because motorcycles and rain don't mix well. We'll gladly accept the car rides when needed."

The group gathered near the fountain area, a central spot-on campus that offered a relaxing atmosphere with the sound of flowing water. Surrounded by the lively chatter of other students, they opened a map of the nearby streets, marking potential student-friendly flats.

As they settled on the benches, Tanya suggested, "Let's divide and conquer. Dev, you, Gayathri, Pavitr, and I will check out this street," she pointed to one on the map. "Ishan, Simran, Rhea, and Arjun, you take the second street. Laila and Karan, you're on the third street. Let's cover as much ground as possible and cover in an hour."

Dev, already revving up his motorcycle, joked, "Alright, team, let's find our future homes. And remember, no settling for anything less than perfect!"

They all laughed and went on their separate ways, each group heading to their designated street. The first street was lined with trees and old-fashioned houses. They parked their vehicles and began exploring the available flats. As they explored, they found a variety of flats, each with its charm. The group discussed the pros and cons, prices, and amenities as they went from one place to another.

Meanwhile, Ishan's group was exploring the second street, which had a mix of modern apartments and cozy townhouses. Simran, eyeing a particularly vibrant building, exclaimed, "This one looks nice! Let's check it out."

Ishan nodded, chuckling at her enthusiasm while looking at the address on his phone, called Dev's group, "Hey, how's it going on your end? Any interesting finds?"Dev, riding his motorcycle through the streets, spoke on the phone, which was kept between his ear and shoulder, "We're exploring a few places. Seems like a nice neighbourhood. How about you guys?"

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