10. italian food and balcony dinners

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Chapter Ten: Italian food and Balcony Dinners

"I'm hungry," Gayathri spoke. "Me too," Arjun answered lying flat on the floor looking at the ceiling with Simran beside him. "Dev, what's on the menu card today?" Simran asked turning her face to look at him. "The menu card is empty as of now, Sim," He answered making her sigh. 

"The fact we also emptied the food, Rhea's mom had made for us," Ishan answered sitting on the floor. "There is an Italian restaurant close by, maybe we can order takeout from there?" Laila suggested as everyone nodded. "Sounds good babe! I'm craving for pasta," Karan grinned.

Everyone had given their choices, and Arjun took the responsibility of ordering the food.

Meanwhile, the group, having decided on a delightful feast for dinner, shifted their focus to Simran's balcony as the perfect setting for their impromptu dinner. With a charming view of the city lights as their backdrop, the friends eagerly began transforming the balcony into a cozy dining spot.

When Simran was arranging the mat for them to sit on, Dev attacked her with a small cushion making her glare at him. "What do you want?" she asked making him and Ishan laugh. "It's so fun irritating you," Dev laughed making her roll her eyes.

As they continued arranging the balcony, Tanya suggested, "Let's put some cushions here for seating and set up a low table. It'll be like a cozy picnic."

Ishan, finding a spot for the candles, spoke, "A picnic with city lights. How romantic. Are we expecting any surprise proposals tonight?"

Dev, pretending to be shocked, exclaimed, "Ishan, are you trying to tell us something?" The teasing continued as Gayathri, draping the fairy lights, replied, "Maybe Ishan has a secret admirer. Someone enchanted by his resistance to dance parties."

Ishan, feigning innocence, countered, "Oh, I have plenty of secret admirers. They just appreciate my commitment to a calm, elegant dinner atmosphere." 

Simran, placing a decorative centerpiece on the table, laughed, "Alright, Ishan, we promise to keep the dance floor reserved for another day. Let's focus on making this balcony dinner-worthy."

Pavitr, pretending to inspect the setup, added, "Impressive work, team. I must say, this balcony is now ready for a five-star dining experience." With the balcony transformed into a picturesque dining spot, the friends gathered for dinner. 

Simran, taking a moment to appreciate their efforts, remarked, "This looks amazing, guys. Our first dinner in our new flats, under the stars and city lights."

Ishan, raising an eyebrow, teased, "Under the stars? Are we stargazing now? Next thing you know, we'll have a telescope out here."

Rhea, handing out plates, replied with a grin, "Well, Ishan, you never know what surprises the night holds. Maybe a shooting star will grant you a wish."

The banter continued throughout the dinner, with jokes, laughter, and shared stories creating a lively atmosphere. The balcony, now adorned with fairy lights and the warmth of friendship, became a cherished spot for the friends to enjoy good food and even better company. 

As they clinked their glasses in a toast to friendship and new beginnings, the city lights twinkled in agreement, casting a magical glow over their impromptu balcony dinner.

After the laughter and clinking of glasses subsided, Gayathri, with a sly grin, pointed her fork at Ishan, "So, Ishan, any secret admirers we should know about?"

Ishan, pretending to ponder, replied, "Well, you know, being a connoisseur of calm dinner atmospheres has its perks. Admirers find it irresistible."

Simran, with an exaggerated gasp, chimed in, "Could it be the allure of your elegant dinner ambiance or the mysterious charm of your resistance to dance parties? We may never know."

Dev, adding a playful touch, said, "Maybe we should start a fan club for Ishan – the Prince of Serene Dinners."

Ishan, leaning into the banter, struck a princely pose, "I graciously accept this title. Now, let's focus on the feast before my admirers get jealous." 

As the group delved into their Italian feast, the aroma of pasta and pizza filled the air. Arjun, proudly presenting the array of dishes, declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on the banquet fit for a royal dinner on Simran's balcony."

Simran, raising her fork, toasted, "To new beginnings, shared laughter, and, of course, Ishan's serene dinners."

The conversation flowed seamlessly, interwoven with laughter, stories, and occasional playful teasing. Laila, trying a bite of pasta, exclaimed, "This is heavenly! Great choice, Arjun." Karan, with his mouth full, managed to mumble, "I told you, babe. Italian cravings never lie."

Pavitr, while savoring a slice of pizza, added, "This balcony dinner beats any fancy restaurant. We've got the best view and even better company."

Amidst bites of delicious food, they shared tales of their favorite cuisines, memorable dining experiences, and their individual cooking skills (or lack thereof). Ishan, with a smirk, remarked, "Clearly, my admirers appreciate my taste in food as well."

Dev, grinning, retorted, "We're just here for the company, Ishan. The food is a bonus."

As dinner progressed, the banter and teasing continued, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie. Simran, looking around at her friends, couldn't help but feel grateful for this quirky, wonderful bunch that made every moment special.

With plates cleared and satisfied smiles all around, they leaned back, basking in the post-dinner contentment. The fairy lights twinkled above, casting a gentle glow on the balcony. Rhea, breaking the momentary silence, said, "This was perfect, guys. We should do this more often."

Arjun, eyeing the leftover pizza, joked, "I vote for daily balcony feasts. Who's with me?"

The group erupted in laughter, and as they wrapped up their impromptu balcony dinner, the city lights shimmered below, sharing in the warmth of their shared joy and friendship.

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