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°• Chapter Three •°

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[ Yara ]


I stand behind the counter as I start making some breakfast with the help of my two best homegirls. We are used to waking up early, so we just decided to make ourselves and the boys some breakfast before the day starts. I chop up the veggies while Indiana cooks up the eggs and bacon. Adalyn got the easy job of preparing smoothies.

"What do ya'll want to do today?" I ask as I chop some green pepper. "Shopping, maybe?" Indiana suggests. That would be a great idea since I need some new clothes and shoes. "That sounds great." I exclaim. I finish cutting, moving the board full of veggies towards Indiana to cook.

I wash my hands, drying them before sitting at the island opposite them. I scroll down my phone for any updates when I notice a party invitation sent to me. "Ya'll, I just got a party invitation." I show them. "Read it." Adalyn stops blending to pay attention.

"It says: 'This is a special invitation to all beauties and handsome people out there. Today at 9pm at [address]. Bring along some other beauties and handsome people.' Should we go?" Adalyn nods her head.

"It's a great opportunity for us to be out." I nod. Duke comes down the stairs on his phone talking to someone, water bottle in one hand and shirtless. I shift my eyes over to adalyn, wiggling my eyebrows. She just rolls her eyes, acting like she's busy.

"Hey ladies." He ends his call as soon as he reaches us. We all greet him, well, except for miss grumpy pop over there. "Is everyone awake?" I ask him, he shakes his head, sipping on some water. "I'll go wake them up." I move from my seat and go to everyone's room.

I start with Davis, softly knocking at his door before opening it. I notice him sleeping, shirtless with a blanket covering part of his back. I open the curtains and windows before moving to wake him, shaking him gently when he opens his eyes.

"Morning." He greets with a deep raspy voice, wiping his eyes as he gets up. "Breakfast is about to get ready." He nods, thanking me as I move out and head over to Chris' room. I do the same, shaking him gently.

His eyes shoot open, a scream echoing between us as he moves to the end of his bed. He soon realizes that it's me, as he relaxes. He was probably dreaming of the worst. "Don't ever do that again." He warns. I tell him that breakfast is about to get ready before leaving.

I notice Roberto and Agent move down the stairs, which means Kai is probably still asleep. I move to his room, knocking softly before moving in. Upon opening the door, I notice how dark it is in this room, I attempt to switch the lights on, but not knowing where they are, I give up.

I use my phone torch to move my way over to Kai. "Kai!" I shake him gently. He doesn't wake up, causing me to shake him again. He slowly opens his eyes, looking at me without saying anything. "What?" I ask him. He just smiles, laying back on his pillow.

I playfully sigh as I throw a pillow at him, shaking my head at his cuteness. "Get up, foo." He sits up, grabbing a shirt nearby. "What's the time?" I pretend to check my phone, slowly turning to him.

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