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°• Chapter Six •°

No Time
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[ Yara ]
Interview day

My interview is not until 9 a.m., but I chose to wake up early so that I am more prepared rather than choosing an outfit last minute. I walk downstairs so I can make myself my shake to wake me up and at least give me some energy.

I dig out the freeze berries, throwing them into the blender, some honey, condensed milk, and full cream milk before blending it. It doesn't sound like it can wake me up, but the sweetness does give some energy.

Duke comes down shirtless like always, greeting me and grabbing himself some cold water from the fridge. "You up early today." I smile, doing a little pose. "I've got an interview at like nine, so I want to have enough time to get ready."

Once the shake has blended, I pour some into a glass and some into my shake bottle, which I am going to take before I leave. I place the bottle inside the fridge before turning to Duke, who cracks up a conversation.

"So, you and Adalyn, huh?" He shakes his head with a smile. I know how close they have gotten, and we can call them the 'potential couple' at this point. "Yeah, I mean. We are taking things slow. She's a really great person and I love being with her."

"That's mi amigo." I do the 'slay' pose before reaching to take a sip of my shake. "So, you and Kai, huh?" I spit my shake out, almost choking on it. I quickly grab a bottle of water, sipping onto it as I stare at Duke with the nasty face.

"I mean, we good." I shrug, I wipe my mouth, finishing my shake as I wash the glass. "Just good?" I nod. "We taking things slow, maybe? I don't know." After placing the glass in its position, I bid Duke goodbye since I need to get ready.

I head to my closet, seeing which option of clothes I can wear. Depending on the weather, it's a bit cloudy outside, so I'm gonna need some warm wear.

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