number 5 🏀

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"Stop it riley im not going" Riley is currently trying to pull me out of the car. I told you guys i'm not going and i wasn't joking.

"Oh come on Peyton it will be fun. Plus the team has some hotties" She smirks.

Riley is the only person that knows about that. Yeah im freakin gay. You would never guess in a million years if you looked at me and i like it that way. But i will probably never have a girl friend because i look like a sweet little church girl. Which is true!! I make riley drive us to church every Sunday.

"peyton peyton peyton peyton peyton peyton"

"stop it right now" I cover my ears and laugh. She knows what she's doing. I HATE when people call me peyton it's just so ew. Everyone calls me P. And by everyone I mean Riley and my family.

"Look P I know I lied but we never get to go to these things and this is what college life is about. We don't gotta talk to anyone in here. We can just go to our seats. I bought us fucking seats so we don't have to sit in the student section because I know you wouldn't like that" Riley let go of me and is now leaning against the keep door.

I look down at my legs and start playing with my fingers. This is what i do when i'm nervous if you can't tell.

"Okay i'll come" I smile feeling selfish, Riley always has to put up with me being scared and I never thought about her. This will be easy right.

"YES" She jumps up and down. She grabs my arm and pulls me out of the car.

"It's freezing out ry oh my god" I go closer to her to seek some warmth.

Her arms wrap around my shoulders as she pulls my body into her larger frame. Ry is kinda tall, i guess you could say. She's five foot eight. She used to play volleyball and she was real good but didn't wanna play in college. On the other hand i'm five foot three and the only sport i ever played was flag football when i was five. I know it doesn't make since. I blame my parents for all the injuries I had. Im pretty sure I still have a scar on my right shoulder from one of the little boys WHO WAS ON MY OWN TEAM.

I look up from trying to avoid the cracks on the sidewalk. You know step on a crack break yo mamas back. Okay enough.

We arrived at the arena and just outside was security with medal detectors. And a huge line of people waiting outside to go through. Lots of them wearing jerseys of the Uconn players. A lot of people we wearing number five. I guess she's popular.

"P you good? You got nothing to be nervous for unless you got a glock stuffed down your pants " She laughs.

I look around to make sure nobody heard. "Rylie somebody could've heard you say that" My face blushed red.


I jump up and cover her mouth. People start to look at us but quickly we go back to being unnoticed.

"That was so fucking funny" Rylie wheezes out.

She starts to pull me towards the line. We choose the one on the left with the less amount of people. I grab my phone and my wallet and get them ready to put in the little box. Its now my turn. I don't dare make eye contact with the security person. Oh god I know I look suspicious. They are gonna make me lay on the ground and pat me down. I make it through and close my eyes seeing if it goes off. 1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi 3 Mississi-

"The hell are you doing. Open your damn eyes and walk up the stairs" She slightly laughs but being serious wanting to get into it for the start.

The ticket guy approves of our tickets and Rylie rushes by him. She didn't even say thank you.

PAIGE BUECKERS - her tutorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя