Damn Darn Ball.

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I have made Paige a grilled cheese and she asked for a side of avocado, peanuts, and Doritos. I know....this girl eats ALOT.

"Holy fuck." She hums biting into her grilled cheese.

"Don't say that." I eye her.

"Sorry ma." She grins.

I turn so the blonde can't see my red face and start wiping down the counter. The amount of times I have blushed with this girl is more than I ever have. Well nobody ever has made me...only Paige.

"God damn Peyton. This shit is so fucking good." She moans. "Oh excuse my language forgive me." I make eye contact with Paige as she has a goofy smile on her face. I can't help but let out a laugh at the girl.

"I'm glad you like it." I say looking down at the counter finding the marble pattern very interesting.

I look at the time on the stove to see it's getting late. Paige followed my gaze and notices too.

"Can you walk me back to my dorm pleaseee." She leans forward in her chair sensing I was gonna kick her out soon. Her blue eyes plead and I can't do anything but give in.

"Yes I will." I whisper with a tint on my checks.

"Come on let's go." She jumps up with a big old sneaky smile on her face.

"Why are you so excited." I giggle.

"You'll see." She opens the door grabbing my hand and pulling me down the hall. Her large steps is a lot for me as I struggle to keep up. She leads us down the stairs and out of the dorm facility. I look back as im being pulled in the opposite direction.

"Paige where are we going." I gasp looking around. I look up only to see a smirk looking down at me.

"Paigeeeee." I say laughing trying to plant my feet but she just keeps pulling.

Our walk was filled with me constantly asking where we were going as a I was being dragged to who knows where. Is this kidnapping?

"Here." Paige finally says after what felt like a fricken hour.

I look up at the building.

Athletic center.

I pull away and stop as my arms cross over my chest.

"Nope no way." I turn around beginning my long voyage to my favorite place. My dorm.

"Hey no Peyton." I hear a laugh from behind me. I hear the footsteps and I feel arms wrap around my waist stopping me in my tracks. I gasp as I get turned around. I meet the bright blue eyes who are really really close to my face. I look down at her arms and my face heats up.

"You gotta stop doing that sweetheart." She whispers as her hold tightens.

"Doing what?" I try to say but it was so quiet I don't even know if she heard me. She shakes her head with her little smirk still on her face.

"Let's go. We are gonna have fun." She starts to let go of me. I immediately miss the touch of the blonde.

"I don't know how to play. I don't do sports Paige." I say fiddling my fingers.

"Oh then let me teach you baby." She says turning around leading us to the door. I think my legs could've gone weak with that one sentence. My body starts moving and follows her in. God why.

She leads us to the court and I start to get nervous. The court is huge and I would much rather be in my bed watching Disney movies. MY FAVORITE.

Paige is sitting on the bench making sure her shoes are tied tight. She motions me to come sit down next to her. I sit down leaving a little space.

"I wanna take my shoes off." I blurt out. What the heck is wrong with me. My face heats up not the blush this time but from the embarrassment.

"What ever floats your boat Peyton." She says with a loud laugh walking to go get a ball.

I take my time and untie my blazers. I neatly place them on the bench and my eyes go to find Paige. She's standing there looking at me with her big grin that makes me crumble.

"What" I say starting to smile.

"Just come here." She says shaking her head. I purposely take very tiny choppy steps to make her have to wait.

"Are you done now?" She crosses her arms.

"Fine." I playfully stick out my tongue at her.

"I'm gonna teach you how to play. Just copy me okay?" She grins. I slowly nod back scared for what's to come.

She takes on dribble and pulls the ball up and shoots it and it goes in the hoop. I turn to her with a smile excited that she made it.

She motions me to come near her and she steps away handing me the ball. I look at her and then I look back at the hoop. I bounce the ball expecting it to come back up but it hits my foot and roles away. I look up at Paige with a slight pout. She laughs and jogs to go get the ball.

"Here try again." She laughs as she puts a hand on my lower back.

I take another dribble farther away from my foot and I pull the ball the up and slouch down and realize the ball as it comes up. I watch it go in the air and into the net. I turn to with wide eyes.

"I DID IT PAIGE." I yell jumping up and down grabbing onto her hands. As my excitement wears down I let go as a deep blush takes over realizing I just grabbed paige's hands.

"See it's easy." She smirks grabbing the ball and placing it in my hands.

"Again?" I ask and she nods back.

I repeat the movements I did last time but this time the ball comes flying back at me. I put out my hand to stop it and try to move away but the ball goes right into my pointer finger. I pull my finger into my chest as tears make there way to my eyes and a yelp comes out of my mouth. I look into paige's eyes as hers fill with concern.

"It's okay. It's okay let me see. Sweetheart." She says gently pulling my hand from my chest. She tries to open my finger from its bent position but I pull it away.

"You jammed it." She says with a little smile.

"Why are you smiling." I whisper.

"Cause you're so cute." She says still grinning.

"Let's go get you some ice." I feel a hand on my lower back leading me to the exit.

"Wait my shoes." I panic and walk over to retrieve them. I take a seat next to them and realize one hand won't work to put my sneakers on.

"Damn darn ball." I mumble under my breath.

Paige lets out a laugh and walks over to me. She kneels down on one knee just in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I ask nervously as her body is really close to mine.

"Putting on your shoes for you...Duh."



hope you guys liked this chapter!! please forgive me 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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