Her hoodie

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After getting ice for my finger and an apology ice cream from Paige we are on our way back to our dorms. I got cookie doe in a cone but I don't know why cause it's freezing outside.

"You're cold." Paige states with a frown.

"No im good. I have ice cream." I give a goofy smile.

"Your shivering." She stops walking and takes off her hoodie. Her t shirt rose up a little revealing her lower stomach. I look down at my shoes and let the heat go over my face. I look up to see her smirking down at me. Her hands motion for my ice cream and i hand it over as she gives me her hoodie. I put it on as it droops down my body.

"Thank you Paige." I whisper with a smile.

"Can I have a lick of this." The blonde asks with her goofy smile. Before I could respond she's destroying my ice cream.

"Want some?" She asks and I nod. She brings the ice cream down to my face. I stick my tongue out to taste it and just as I was about to Paige smushed it in my face.

"PAIGE HOW AM I GONNA GET THIS OFF." I bend over and let it drip. I hear her laugh from a distance and I look up to realize she's running away. I let a laugh slip out but I couldn't let her see. I turned around and started walking the other way.

"PEYTON." I hear laughing from behind me, "Mama I'm sorry" she pleads. My checks heat up from the name but I have to stay mad.

"What are you doing love." I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist and her breath on my neck.

"Paige stop." I try to remove the force of her hands but I fail. She turns me around so she can see my full face covered in ice cream.

"Oh my god." She laughs going to grab her phone from her pocket. I groan and put my hands on her chest to try to push her away but she does bulge.

"Please don't." I plead and she surprisingly listens to me right away. It seems like her focus is else where as she looks down at my hands and smirks.

"You like your hands there baby?" My eyes travel down to my placement and see my hands are directly on her breasts. I quickly remove them off of her and my face heats up so bad i could feel it. My eyes find the side walk very interesting and I keep them down that way.

"You're cute. I love it." Her hands travel down to her shirt and she lifts it up.

"What are you doing?" I panick.

"Let me use this to get the ice cream off. you look crazy." She laughs. I completely forgot it was still there. I look up at her and nod as she takes one of her hands and gently grabs my chin to hold me still. The other hand gently got the ice cream off with her shirt. She finishes and the ice cream is all over her shirt.

"You look crazy now." I laugh pointing at her shirt.

"I know you're not talking." She smiles putting her hands out to go on me. I squeal and dodge her hands and start running back to the dorms.

"You're something else peyton" I hear from behind me. I ran the little ways to get to the dorms. I ran through the entrance up the stairs and to my room door. I go to open the door but realize Paige has my keys. My breath was gone so I decided to lay on the ground. My laughter starts to fill the hallway as I just realized this is the most fun I've had in a very long time.

"Why did you just run actually fast and why are you on the ground" I hear a voice from the end of the hallway. I look up to see Paige with a smile on her face.

"How are you not dead right now" I say holding my chest in between breaths.

"I'm an Athlete baby." She says holding up her arm to flex her muscle tapping on it to show it's rock solid. I roll on to my stomach to hide my face  and my smile.

"Yeahhh you know you liked that." I can hear the smirk in her voice.

"I didn't. You don't know what you're talking about." I lie standing up and holding out my hands for my keys.

"Awh" She says putting her hand in mine making me laugh.

"Paige stop it I need my keys." I whine and she smiles even more.

"I love fucking around with you." She grabs my keys and walks by me to unlock the door. It opens and she holds it for me to enter. I give a small thank you and walk in to see Riley with her arms crossed on the couch. I quickly turn around and see a smirking Paige. I stop us in the doorway so Riley can't say anything.

"Thank you for today it was fun getting to meet you. Now next time we need to get to studying." I smile and get one in return.

"Yes ma'am. Give me your phone please." She politely asks. I take my phone out and hand it to her.

"What's the passcode love." She smiles at me as my face reacts to the name.

"1234." I smile.

"Peyton no fucking way you just gave me your password that easily and why is it 1234." She laughs and I think she was genuinely concerned. She typed it in and did something before handing it back to me.

"I gave you my number so we can plan everything and I can give you the info." She fills me in and I thank her.

"I had fun today too. I'll see you soon Peyton." My smile gets bigger.

"Me too thank you I really had fun even tho I jammed my finger and got Ice cream on my face." I use my famous sarcasm and get an eye role from the blonde.

"HI RILEY." Paige yells moving her body to the side to wave to her.


"Oh my god." I whisper and before Paige could respond I push her out the door and close it. I push my back against it and try to control my emotions.

"Why would you tell her that." I run onto the couch and belly flop pushing my head into the pillows.

"I'm sorry P it slipped. I needed to make sure tho she didn't do anything." I hear laughs and hands on my back.

"She's gonna think im stupid and weird Ry. She will prob cancel this whole tutoring thing now." I say rolling over to look at my bestfriend.

"You like her." She smiles.

"I do not I just freaking met her." I snap back.

"You say that but you're the one wearing her hoodie." She smirks.

PAIGE BUECKERS - her tutorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora