Chapter 19

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"The limit of your power is only the limit of your mind. Light energy is literally all around you. The moment you learn how to harness it you will be unstoppable," Latavius says.

My head is killing me.

Just before I came here today, I had another book session with Mesmira who I know is purposely making it as painful as possible after she got absolutely humiliated in front of everyone.

After I told her I broke up with Vega I guess in her weird scheming mind she thought that meant Vega would go crawling back to her. So she made a show of it and asked Vega out, but Vega flat-out rejected her. Which caused Dariyah to laugh so hard that she spat her milk at Mesmira. It was not a pretty picture. Since then the girl has had it out extra for me.

That was our third book session.

Still no spell

True to her word Vega has been showing up at my dorm every night for the past week. Sometimes she tries to talk to me. Sometimes she just stares at me until I fall asleep. Yesterday she even snuggled up in bed with me, and I was too tired to fight her off.

My life is a mess. And to top all that off I'm back to training with the task force aka the Cosmic Casters.

"You must bend the light around you."

He's trying to teach me how to turn invisible. So far still no progress on that front.

"It's no use, she's not focused. Her head is in la la land. I know that look when I see it," Lorelei says.

"Shut up!" I snap at her, the light flickering.

"Easy, easy," Gideon steps between us. "She's right Emery, you're not focused," He takes her side.

"Well sorry! It's not like I have to read a ton of books, cram magic knowledge in my head to try and save someone, finish my homework, and deal with my stupid girlfriend all at once. Oh, wait." I cross my arms.

They all sigh.

"Maybe a mind-clearing spell." Latavius offers.

I turn to him and raise an eyebrow.

"Using it could help everything go a lot smoother and faster."

"But it will put you on a one-track mind until you complete that task. Which can backfire." Lorelei inputs.

"No need for that, I think Emery can handle it. Right, Emery?" Gideon says.

"Whatever," I sigh and get back to practicing.

"Give the girl some air people," Joni walks in.

"Joni you don't need to be here," Gideon says.

"Obviously, nothing is getting done with all of you. Let the reality Casters handle this." Joni says.

"She's right. Lorelei is just a distraction." Latavius says.

"Fine! You know what, I have better things to do anyways than to sit in and watch this brat fail over and over," Lorelei moves to leave.

My hands glow and I shoot a light ball at her.

She stops in her tracks.

"Let's not fight," Gideon says.

"Run away, like the coward you are! Let other people take the risk and lose everything because of you!" I shout.

The room gets quiet.

Lorelei's own hands start glowing.

"Ladies please," Gideon tries.

"Oh boy," Joni sighs.

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