Chapter 20

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"Did it work?" I ask Asherah who is sitting by my bedside in the hospital when I wake up.

"Well I have good and bad news," she says.

"Tell me."

"The good news is you didn't get reinfected and you were able to fight off the darkness."

"Really!?" I say in hope.

"The bad news is, it's not gone for good. It will slowly come back but you bought Cyrene more time."

I deflate.

"You did good, beyond good. She's actually awake and eating on her own for the first time in a while. We told her what happened and she was so proud of you."

"Damn it," I slam my fist down on the bedside table. "I have to figure it out. I have to fix this." I cry.

"Emery you did good," she rubs my arm.

"But it's not enough! She's still going to die unless I figure this out!"

"It could take years for you to figure it out. Don't beat yourself up. You're just a kid. No one expects you to master Star Caster Magic in a year."

"Cyrene expects it because if I don't, she dies," I say.

She sighs.

"This is all my fault," I sob.

A knock on the door makes me look up.

It's Lorelei. She has flowers in her hand and a card.

"These aren't from me, it's from Cyrene's parents," She quickly says.

I look down and away from her.

"What's going on between you two?" Asherah asks.

"Nothing," we say in unison.

"Whatever it is, you two need to work it out. We all have to work together if we want to get Cyrene back on her feet."

"Can I talk to Emery, alone?" Lorelei asks Asherah.

Asherah looks to me for permission and I nod.

So she gets up and gives us the room.

Lorelei sets the flowers down on the table.

"I'm sorry I'm not strong enough," I whimper and cover my face.

"I'm not strong enough either," she says.

I look up at her.

"I almost lost her and because of my stupid pride I couldn't... if you didn't show up when you did, she'd be dead," Her eyes water.

I swallow a lump in my throat and grab her hand in mine.

"I hate to say it but Asherah's right. We have to work together. I... I need you, Emery. I know I've been a bitch to you lately, and I know you hate me for everything, but I need you to put that behind us. At least for now. I'm so scared of losing her. Terrified even, that's why I've been mean to not just you, to everyone. I'm barely holding it together," She squeezes my hand.

"I'm going to do this. I'm going to figure it out. One way or another. I promise you. I won't stop until I heal her." I say.

"I'm just so scared," Lorelei breaks down crying.

It's the first time I've seen her truly vulnerable. She sobs and wipes at her face over and over, trying to get herself under control. I grab her, and I hug her. She leans heavily into me, crying and crying.

I'm going to do this. I'm going to help Cyrene. Nothing else is as important as this right now. So as soon as they clear me I go back to my room and crack open that book. Reading as fast as I can, taking notes.

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