Chapter 3: Haruki had return back to the Hinata house to see his sister

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Meanwhile, once Haruki had to come back and see his human sister Butler had to come back and see that he had missed his human family same with his Master's family who had cared for him so much.

Haruki: Butler...I think you may wait here while I go and talk with my human sister

Butler: sure of course Lord Haruki as you wish but once you are done with that I can go inside back at your room to put back your belong

Haruki: sure of course and just wait for a minute later while I need to see if she answers the door

Right before Yamaguchi Haruki had to walk back to the Hinata House he had to knock at the front door she could hear that it was him who had waiting for her to answer the door.

Haruyo: nii-chan you came back to see me are you but who is he beside you who kept staring at both of us

Haruki: oh it is my Butler who had served me went I was back at the workplace but he didn't have any name so I called him Butler can we come inside Haruyo

Haruyo: sure nii-chan you can come inside and you want to see Kanemura Miku while you come inside to the living room

Haruki nodded at his human sister as same like Butler were came inside his family of humans who had the most great memories together same as his Master who was not with him or even he had been transferring inside his body.

Kumi: wait...Haruyo it that him you were talking about that Haruki were returning from his workplace but who is behind him

Haruyo: oh that was his Butler who had been working that long day

Kumi: Yamaguchi Haruki may I speak to you for a minute while Haruyo here can bring Kanemura to see you back once again

Before Haruki and Sasaki Kumi had to walk to the corner where she wanted to speak with him as his Butler was not moving or even what to walk and follow him to listen to his conversation together with that human.

Kumi: so why are you here all of a sudden Haruki did she know that you are no longer a human before you became this awakening power of yours

Haruki: I'm sorry Kumi I didn't have any choice but it was all the Butler family who had chosen me to become the awakening vampire

Kumi: so what if Haruyo can see your vampire power right in front of you Haruki she will know you are not the human brother anymore

Later Haruyo had to bring back Kanemura once she came inside the living room she could see that he was there once again but she did know that Haruki wasn't the same as before but even better than ever he could become different from anyone else with his dark aura around him.

Kanemura: Haruki...I miss you so much and why didn't you go here and see us but you were not here together with your sister

Haruki: I'm sorry Miku I had something else to do right before I came here while you missed me that much

Kanemura: I do remember that you were calling me Miku instead of Kanemura

Once Lord Haruki were back here in the living room Butler walked back inside his room and had some decorations inside his room so he could have some time alone with Kanemura and Haruki talked with her in the living room together with the rest of the human family who had been with him.

Haruki: wait...Butler, where are you going?

Butler: oh I was going to your room to decorate some of your belong inside while you have some alone time with your girlfriend there it has been a long time since I talked with you

Haruki: right sure of course but once you are done I want to have some words with Miku inside my room while you stand outside my door and guard them

In the meantime, Butler had to bow to Haruki as he walked back to his room and went there to some decorations in his room while Kanemura was here to bring his hand as he had to sit down on the chair with others who hadn't seen him for days.

Mikuni: so Haruki how did you not come back here and see your sister as with her been waiting for you to return from your work jobs

Haruki: I had some reason why I came late to see my sister but Sasaki knows my reason why I was back here isn't right, Kumi

Mikuni: Kumi did you know the reason why he was here but not with us while he got time to visit Haruyo side or even Kanemura

Out of the blue, Butler had done his decoration inside his room as he come back to the living room Haruki can see that he finished the decoration of his room and he dragged Kanemura's shoulder arm back inside to his room while she was so damn confused about why did he just drag her inside to his room while his Butler was standing at the door to guard them against something is going to happen any minute.

Haruyo: wait...nii-chan why did you drag Kanemura inside your room you could have asked her nicely to come with you inside your room

Haruki: I'm sorry Haruyo I just have something on my mind that had some disturbing thoughts while I remember something with me along the way

Haruyo: of course, I won't disturb you but please do let Kanemura know that you were okay with her inside the room okay

Suddenly, Yamaguchi Haruki aka Lord Haruki were patting Haruyo's head went she could feel something different from himself back to his old self that he had not patted her head that days forward before he became something more than a different person who looked like her brother her side.

Haruki: Miku shall we go inside my room I just missed you that a few days later without you on my side with Haruyo's side either

Kanemura: sure of course Haruki and you may tell me all about yourself being this power within your body

Haruki: sure of course Miku I will tell you all about it once we have some fun inside my room *dragged her*

Without any sound coming from Lord Haruki as he was kissing Kanemura Miku's human lips while she had missed this kiss with him for so long enough of been not the same as himself that he was known as the last awakening vampire power it was Yamaguchi Haruki aka Lord Haruki beside Kanemura Miku side.

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